Almost Saved by the Bell

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Without a word to my two best friends I ran to my class. I knew I couldn't be mad at Olivia really. She wasn't trying to get me killed by Alexis. When I walked into the room, I remembered something. I was supposed to show Alexis the way to the class. I sprinted to the lunchroom and searched all around for Alexis. I saw Garret sitting on a bench,  and I walked over to him. When I got to him, he looked up and smiled. "Where have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you at all so far." He patted his bench and I obeyed. He smiled at me and said, "Sooo, do you like Alexis?" All the blood drained from my face and I didn't know what to do. Then I heard the annoying noise that signaled our school to pause and listen. "Will Madison Garner please report to the office immediately." My heart stopped as I looked at Garret. Shock was all across his face. "What'd you do Maddie?" I felt tears brimming my for what seemed like the millionth time and said, "I forgot your stupid whore of a girl friend." Garret was taken back by the words that came out of my mouth, but before he could say anything I jumped up and ran away. Tears started flowing from my eyes. I kept my head low so no one would see.


"Are you Madison" said the short stubby woman working behind the desk, I really shouldn't make fun of her, but I was upset. She guided me to the principal's office where I was then directed into a comfy chair. That made me feel better till I felt  couple pairs of eyes on me.


It's short, but I don't want to continue if no one reads.. Vote, comment, and fan. It helps me continue

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