rooming with the enemy

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I threw open my door, I was almost surprised I didn't break it. Then ran in and jumped on my bed. Then I remembered. I had to share my room with two other girls. I looked around to see who had caught me.

I felt relief when I saw it was my best friend, Olivia sitting on her bed looking at me confused, and maybe even a little scared. I tried to slow my tears, and calm down. She walked over to me. She waited for me tears to stop, and then asked me what was wrong. She knew my feelings for Garrett so I spiltthe beans completely leaving nothing out. When I finally stopped and started gasping for air after my close the thirty minute rant I realized Olivia looked different. She didn't look comforting, she looked nervous and maybe a little embarrassed for me. I looked around to see the girl I hated more than anyone in the world waiting in the doorway with all her luggage and a evil smile swipped across her super model face.

Without she walked over, threw her stuff on the only empty bed left, and walked right back out of mine, I mean our, door. My head fell into my hands in defeat. Now she knew everything. All my feelings, and now, she could use it all against me.

Olivia automatically went into caring mode and called our other friend Isabella. Isabella was the well, nerd of our little group. Olivia and I were top in our class in anything physical, were as Isabella once figured out I top secret equation for NASA. Yeah, she's smart. I guess thats a big reason that she's her. Her parents don't realize what kind of school she's in or that she's training to track bombs and save the world with her brain one day.

Ten minutes later, Izzy was stumbling into our room barely managing to not spill the hot chocolate in her hands. Thankfully she handed the cups and thermos over to Olivia who swiftly poured us each a glass. I was starting to feel better just seeing my friends. When Olivia handed me a cup I was almost completely better, then I heard Isabella scream. I looked over to see the chocolate streamed down her shirt. I started laughing and walked over to my suite case and pulled out a shirt for Isabella. She threw off the chocolate drenched on and mine on. I eyed her while Olivia her a second cup. To my surprise Izzy didn't spill a drop while she listened to the whole story of Garrett's new girlfriend and that she was our room mate. When I was finished she was deep in thought. Olivia and I knew better that to distract her so we started unpacking.

About thirty minutes later she jumped up on the bed and said, "I know what to do!" I looked at her excited and said "what!" Then Izzy said, "We need to find as much information about her, but after that we'll be able to use all her worst fears to make her leave the school. Then we'll be man stealer free!" I barely heard Olivia whisper, "I could scare her away with my fist. That'd make everything much easier..." I chuckled this might just be fun after all..

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