The Secret Room

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It took Olivia three hours to leave. She just kept talking. Usually that's a pretty good thing because I'm not much a talker. I don't have to keep a conversation going with her. But tonight, I just wanted to go to sleep. I wanted the images of Alexis's clothes and condoms out of me head. I knew that wasn't going to happen though. For years I had been trained not to forget anything. Usually, this was good, but in this case, not so much. I pulled on a pair of baggy sweats and one of Garret's long t-shirts he'd given me a long time ago. I didn't really care if Alexis's saw me sleeping in it. She already knew my feelings for him.

I had just fallen asleep when I heard the clicking of high heels walk across my room. Then my comforter was gone from around me. I slightly opened my eyes to see a pissed off Alexis looking at me. I groggily mumbled, "what do you want?" She angrily replied, "you your damn hands outta my bag, got it? Plus, buy your own condoms!" Then she huffed and stomped back out of my room. I pushed my head hard into my pillow, and felt the warm tears run down my cheek. I wasn't going to be able to sleep now. I got up and swung my legs around the bed. I tried putting my feet down on the hardwood, but it was extremely cold. I looked around to see my favorite pair of sperrys. I grabbed them and put them on my feet. Then, I grabbed my key and started out of the room. I could hear Alexis's giggling on the phone just as I slammed the door shut. I walked down the hallway feeling a lump in my throat rise. There was only one place to go when I felt this upset. My mother's secret hideout.

My mom had attended this school before me. It's how she met my dad. She had hid out in this secret little room when she was here. It was natrual for her to give me a map to show me how to get there. I remember the first time I had ever went down there. I was terrfied I was lost, but then I came to a door. I opened it to find a beautiful set of couches and a small table. It was so comfortable. In the past years, whenever something was upsetting me or I just wanted to get away, I'd just come here.

I opened the door, and the familar smell of the room hit me. I immediately felt better. I sat down on the longer couch and stared at the ceiling. Why did Garret pick her? I had though he had better taste in women.. I guess I was extremely wrong. I heard the door creak and my head darted towards the door. I carefully got off the couch and walked towards the door, making sure not to make one little creak. I stood next to the wall, and heard someone. Someone breathing. Quickly I swung the door open and grabbed the person and threw them into the room. Locking the door behind me. I couldn't believe my eyes when I realized who was smirking back at me. Alexis. I walked straight to her and demanded her to tell me what she was doing down here. She shrugged her shoulders, but the smirk didn't leave her lips. She was enjoying this, enjoying watch me in pain. No one had ever been down here other than my mother and I. I hadn't even told Olivia and Isabell about it. Now, my the girl who stole the boy of my dreams was standing in my secret room. 

Alexis's walked over and plopped down on the couch like she had been invited down here. I huffed and sat down in the comfy chair diagonol from it. She looked over to me and said, "this is wonderful, if you don't mind me asking how did you find it? I would enjoy one of my own." "It's a one of a kind sorry" I huffed. She laughed, and said, "I see how it is, you can't share. Well, how about I make you a little deal. You give me this room, and I won't tell Garret that you have secret pictures of him in your wallet, or that your completely uncontrollabley in love with him." My blood ran cold. She wouldn't do that. Then I looked back up and her and decided she would. I handed her the key and map to get back.

So much had happened in one night. I couldn't take it. I crawled back in bed just in time for my alarm to go off. The first real day of school was about to begin.

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