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"The Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School (ANHS in short) is a school created by the Japanese government. Currently, it's the first of its kind to be established and is widely known for its dedication to foster the youth into becoming future leaders and unrivaled prodigies."

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV

Modern society has always been trying to cultivate equality. The majority of people along with religious believers claim that all beings are equal. Even a wise man once said, "Beings that god created are by no means superior or inferior to one another in any way". Regardless of all this, a rift is created once there are classifications of people due to different levels of diligence.

Whatever people may say or think, humans are creatures who are born to think. The term "equality" is just a means that is made to cover up all the lies in reality. There is no such think as 'all humans are born to be equal'. For that same reason, I've decided to come to this school in search of answers. Just what does it mean to be free equal? This place seems to hold the answers to all my current curiosity.

At one point, the bus stopped and I stepped out. And there it was. In front of me stood an entire facility stretching out beyond the vision of the naked eye. An entire school consisting of everything we need to live as both students and residents of this island. From dorms to entertainment facilities, this place has every luxury a person could wish for. 

Taking a deep breath, I stood up and gazed at its magnificent structure. As a specimen who has lived all his life in a closed lab facility, this is truly as sight to behold.

"So, this is it" he said, "This would be my school from now on. For the next three years, I'll be able to achieve the freedom I've yearned for. This is the only place where that man's influence mean nothing. As long as I stay here, I'll be safe".

He let out a deep breath and took a step forward.

"Wait!" a solemn voice came out. I stood still and slightly turned my head backwards. Behind me was a girl with long black hair with one braid tied with a pink ribbon. Taking a closer look at her, this individual seems to have a rather slim but well-endowed body. She could've been more attractive if it weren't for her stern yet gradient red eyes.

"You were staring at me. Tell my why you did such a repulsive thing. 'Repulsive? What's repulsive about looking at another individual other than yourself?' I thought.

"Sorry, I was just a little intrigued. What's you're name?"

"Asking for names right out of the bat? What my name is and who I am doesn't concern you."

"Is that so? Either way, my name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka from Class D. Yoroshiku"

"Your name is of no interest to me. However, since we seem to be in the same class I think its obligatory if I return the favor. Horikita. Horikita Suzune. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

'What a roundabout way of giving off self-introductions. It seems as if this conversation was fated to be short from the very beginning' I thought.

We both deliberately sighed. Since this is getting nowhere, the two of used turned forward and proceeded to class.

Author's Note: So, what do you think guys? How's the prologue of this story? I'd like to hear your thoughts and opinions on how this intro made you feel. If you've any suggestions please don't hesitate to tell me and I'll try my best to respect and honor your thoughts. I sincerely hope you liked it. I'd appreciate a vote if there's anyone who seems interested in my fanfic. Once again, thanks you for reading.

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