The Pillars of Class D

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It is now currently the second day of school. Well technically, it's the first day since today will be the day our classes will start. I slowly got up from bed and turned off the alarm clock. Since I'm no longer bound to that place, my body seems to be slowly deteriorating from the lack of exercise. *Sigh* it can't be helped. I got up and changed into some casual sportswear and made my way to the gym. 

I walked in only to find the place almost empty. Well with the exception of Koenji of course. It wasn't really surprising given his haughty self introduction along with the fact that he proclaims himself to be 'a perfect existence'. Thankfully he was too absorbed with himself that I wouldn't have to bother to converse with him. I walked up to the receptionist to purchase a monthly membership pass. 

'5000 points huh. Doesn't sound too bad.' I thought as I swiped my student ID to make the purchase.

After paying, I walked to a corner of the room and began my strenuous workout regimen. I started off with a simple warmup of stretches and then proceeded with 500 pushups consisting of 200 one handedly for both sides and the remaining 100 with both arm, following with 500 sit-ups, 500 squats, 5-minute planks, and finally ended the regimen with doing some deadlifts. I then walked out of the gym and started my early morning jog. While running 5 laps around the entire campus, I took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. Truth be told, the cold damp air felt great as it hit against my face unlike that cold sterile room.

By the time I finished, the sun already rose and soon it would be time for homeroom. I bought a drink from the vending machine and returned back to the dorms to bathe and dress up for school.

As I was walking to class, I met up with Kushida. A lucky encounter indeed. In order for my plan to proceed smoothly in the class, I'd need to gather all of the bigshots in the class for support. We greeted one another and proceeded to find Hirata and Horikita. To gain some extra momentum, I texted Matsushita and instructed her of my intentions. Once we arrived in class, Kushida and I gestured the other two to follow us to the special annex building.

"Is there something you need Ayanokoji-kun?" Hirata asked as soon we halted.

"Yeah is there a problem?" inquired Kushida

"By calling me all the way out here, you'd better have a good reason Ayanokoji-kun" Horikita added.

"Just chillax will ya? Of course I wouldn't waste my time if it were something useless. I called all of you here for support. Rejoice since this info will save our class and give us a slight advantage." I replied casually without a hint of hesitation.

" And what would that 'special' info be about?" Horikita asked, her eyes filled with suspicion.

"The S-system and it's hidden menace"

Hearing so, the other three widened their eyes in surprise and remained silent much to my amusement.

"What kind of information about the S-system?"

"I'll tell you along with the class along with everyone else. That way you can decide for yourselves whether you're willing to support me or not. However, I highly recommend you to listen closely and back me up. Otherwise the class will end up as a scapegoat and we'll fall to the bottom of the school"

By adding that last remark, I can see Horikita and Hirata visibly flinch. Hehhh, seems like these two will be quite easy for me to manipulate after all. As a role figure, Hirata would do anything to maintain peace and hope for the best for everyone. To him, this would be an offer he won't be able to back out from. As for Horikita, well she's obsessed with reaching class A. I can tell from her obvious remarks back when she discussed with sensei. That way she'll be determined to follow me to the very end for the sake of her goals.

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