Making The Unknown Known

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(This specific chapter focuses solely on the parts where Ayanokoji introduces himself to Class D. in addition, this will also include where he had a conversation with both Horikita and Chabashira-sensei. TADASHII! Instead of being socially awkward and silent, he became popular figure due to his looks as well as his fabricated personality. And instead of scoring 50s on all subjects, he intentionally scored 100 in order to attract attention. You could even say that the purpose of all this is to find the meaning of equality as I've said in the previous chapter as well as to find people who can entertain his life here in AHNS)

*NOTE* The year he spent on stand down was enough for him to practice and create a false persona to fit in school.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV

As we walked, I began to scan through the area. It was as if I'm looking at a whole new world. Back in that cold, sterile room, there was nothing worth noting since everything was just white. A blank slate indeed just like my life. Yet this school- it's as if every single aspect of it defies my very expectations. Everything, and I mean everything is filled with life as if life itself was born and flourished here. It seems like my life is  currently at its turning point. Matsuo was right. This is a place where I can learn things I've never been taught and could grow as a human being. Unlike that place where emotions are discarded, the sensation I get from this place varies from one person to another. Some seem to be happy while making new friends along the way, some seem to be overwhelmed from being in a completely new environment, and it goes on. 

After a short while, we finally reached our destination. Horikita and I entered the class simultaneously. Overlooking the classroom, I walked over to the seat with my nameplate on it. How intriguing. A seat towards the back of the room and near the window. Generally speaking, this is a good spot to both relax as well as keep an eye on the school grounds.

The classroom was only about half full.

Students were either double checking their class materials by themselves or were walking up to others in order to talk and make friends.

I wonder what friends are. Where on earth do friends come from? Do people become friends after eating with each other? Or do you become friends spending a specific amount of time doing things together? The more I think about it the less I understand. Is the topic about friends something deep? Or is it philosophical? Honestly, I have no idea.

After giving it some thought, trying to make friends is really troublesome and tiring.  In the first place, should I even try making friends at all? Furthermore, don't friendships from naturally over time? Just the thought of it made my mind into complete disarray like a chaotic festival. While I'm glossing over the topic for no specific reason, the classroom quickly fills up as other students enter the classroom. 

Seeing everyone here made me started to think once more. What should I do? Should I get to know people during this free time? Or do I wait for the right time to approach them? No, by then everyone would've already made friend groups and I'll become friendless.

While all of this is happening, a young man with blond hair and brown eyes walked up to the podium.

"May I have everyone's attention please?" he said out loud with a soft yet reassuring voice.

"As we can see, we're all here in a completely new environment and everything seems to be unfamiliar to what we're all used to. In that case, why don't we all use thing opportunity to introduce ourselves to one another? That way we can all be friends and get along!"

"First things first I'll start off by introducing myself. I'm Hirata Yosuke. I'm interested in all kinds of sports especially soccer. My dream is to become a professional player and hopefully make friends with all of you"

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