Gathering Intel

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Leaving the two behind, I slowly walked back to the class. As soon as I arrived, Hirata along with a bunch of girls gathered around me to talk. Fortunately for me, I now no longer struggle to hold out a conversation with others. We all talked about various things until homeroom ended.

Since it's currently lunchtime, everyone should be heading over to the cafeteria. In order for me plan to work, I'll need a partner to collude with what I have in mind. While Chabashira sensei was explaining about our student IDs and points, the only people in the room who were calm yet remained doubtful were me, Horikita, Koenji the so called 'perfect human being, and another individual. I believe her name was Matsushita Chiaki.

Normally, I'd invited some other important figures in the class to go with me and gather intel, but having less people around seemed more efficient. Hirata was busy with a bunch of girls so it was pointless to invite him. As for Horikita, well ever since our last encounter n the faculty room, she's been rather quiet lately. Sadly, she's also been avoiding me to some extent. That settles it then. Since I don't want to more girls to cling onto me, I got up and approached Matsushita.

As I walked up to her, her group of friends directed their attention towards me. Some were whispering things to one another but others were just looking at me with a tint of red on their cheeks. I wonder why? I mean I can't blame them. For a guy to suddenly approach a group of girls would be seen as a desperate act of wanting attention. Fortunately, due to my decent introduction, a few guys and the majority of the girls got quite a good impression of me. It dawned on me that doing this seemed like I was asking her out on a date. However, thanks to being prepared in many different ways, I've prepared myself for various situations and decided to switch back to my other persona. 

"Hey, you're Matsushita right?"

"Huh? Yes that would be me, did you need something?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to eat lunch at the cafeteria." I said with a smile.

Matsushita had a very visible blush on her as she looked like a tomato. As for her friends, they were all surprised by then sudden invitation, yet some glared at her with jealous looks.

"Ehhhh?! O-yea-yeah I'm free. I'd love to come with you!" she replied with an upbeat reaction.

"Then, shall we get going?"

"Huh? Y-yeah"

It took a while for Matsushita to get ready because her friends were constantly questioning her and teasing her.

We slowly walked out of the classroom along with a few glares from both the guys and girls. To be frank, it was quite uncomfortable but I'm used to it. I glanced at Matsushita only to find her face bright red. She seemed pretty nervous about this.

"I'm a bit surprised Ayanokoji-kun. To think you'd ask someone out on a date on the first day of school. I honestly wasn't expecting that."

So she considers this as a date...well she's not wrong. We could go out for a date, but that will have to be for another day. Right now, intel comes first. 

" I apologize. There was no other way to approach you since you were surrounded by your friends. This isn't a date in case you're wondering. There are a few things that were bothering me so I'd like your help."

"This isn't a date? Then what did you call me for?" she asked. Judging by her tone and reaction she seemed down.

"Don't worry. We may not be able to go on a date since we have business to do but we can always go on a real date some other time."

Hearing so, Matsushita blushed and averted her gaze. She may have looked away but I can still see a smile curling up from her lips. I mean, as long as she's happy and upbeat, there's nothing to be worried about.

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