What happend? pt2

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About an hour before the fire, on the other side of campus.

Jake sat alone on a bench outside under one of the lamps that lit up the sidewalks, with his headphones in, playing music as loud as he can to drown out any other noise. He was just trying to focus on his textbook, trying to catch up on the studying he missed out earlier that day. But no matter how long he looked at the pages, how many times he read and re-read the same paragraghs, it was like he forgot everything he was reading as he was reading it.
He tried to write down everything he was reading hoping that maybe by doing so he could retain the information he was taking in but all he ended up doing was getting destracted by a little doodle. And that doodle turned into a full sketch. And sketching turned into accidently sitting on that bench for nearly an hour being completely unproductive. Jake jerked himself out of the little trance he fell into from drawing once he realised how much time he had wasted.

Irritated with himself, he put his things back into his bag and started to head back to his dorm.

When he got up from the bench and looked around he saw a glow in the distance comming from the direction of his dorm building. He started walking towards it and as he got closer he noticed red and blue flashing lights. It wasn't until just now that he realised he still had his music playing. He took out his headphones to find that the campus was overrun with the sounds of screaming, crying, and sirens.
At this point, Jake realised he was running. He didnt know why he was running. It wasnt like there was anything he could do, but he was running, as fast as he could towards what he found to be a dorm building his dorm building. Swallowed by flames, surrounded by students, staff, and emergency responders.

"what the fuck happened?" Jake asked out loud to no one in particular.

While everything was deafiningly loud, it might as well have been dead silent.

"JAKE!" Matt yelled while running towards him. "Did you see what happened?" he asked when he reached him.

"No I had my headphones in and I was trying to study so I didnt even see anything until a few minutes ago." Jake responded, not parting his gaze from the fire. He felt his heart dropping. "Dude. all of my stuff is in there."

"I feel so useless, like... What are we supposed to do? We cant just stand here and watch it burn..."

"What else is there to do? its too late, its all gone." Jake said helplessly.
He didnt remember sitting down or falling, but suddenly he realised he was down on his knees. Still staring and the blaze. Matt sat down next to him, wanting to comfort him and tell him that it would be okay but didnt know how to say it when he didnt know it himself. So they just ended up sitting there in a loud, screaming, silence.

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