A day out Shopping

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"Okay so what do we want to listen to? Its gonna be at least 45 minutes depending on traffic so we should get there about 10:30ish." Adira said, pulling up the search tab in her music app.

"Be warned boys, the base in this car goes /hard/" Mia said from the passenger seat, opening the mirror on the visor to put on her sun glasses while the boys got in the back.

The four of them decided to take Adira's car since both Gray and Jake had smaller 2 door cars, Grey with a 2014 Chevrolet Spark and Jake with a 1999 Honda Civic. While her's was a 2019 Ford Escape, a bigger 4 door that could fit them all more comfortably.

"Oh my god, you should play 'I will survive' by Gloria Gaynor" Gray said excitedly.

"Okay-uhh.. Thats a good one" She said as she began to search for it "but I meant more like... a genre? for like a station or playlist."

"Im down to listen to stuff like that to be honest" Jake said.

"Elaborate?" Adira asked, not sure exactly what that meant.

"you know.. like 'Staying Alive', 'Ring My Bell'... does 'Take On Me' fall into that?" Jake explained.

"OH, 'I Need a Hero' from the second Shrek movie!" Mia added excitedly.

"YESSS" Grey agreed.

"okay okay okay slow down guys. What genre are these? You know what never mind, you guys pass the phone around and just keep adding stuff to a playlist on the way." Adira ended on a chuckle, handing her phone to Mia.

Mia created a playlist, adding the already suggested songs, and added some more, then passed the phone back to Jake and Gray for them to do the same. Adira at this point was already pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards the highway that lead to the mall. On the way, they made small talk about classes they liked, classes they didn't like. The older three advising Gray on which professors to watch out for. They also pointed out different places and landmarks, telling him where he should visit. Depending on the song that was playing, they would get distracted between subjects by loudly singing along to the music followed by talking about something else when the song ended until the next singing session.


"Alright" Adira started, turning down the volume of the music. "should be this next exit".

"Yeah, I can see the sign" Mia said pointing.

"Orange outlets?" Gray asked. "sounds like the name of a woke hardwear store"

"ya know, now that you mention it.. It kinda does."  Mia agreed laughing.

"Any requests on what store to start at?" Adira Asked.

"Vans?" Jake suggested.

"oh actually yeah I could go for that too" Gray added.

"Yeah I bet you could. Trying to find out Jake's shoe size huh?" Mia teased causing Gray to immediatly turn into a bright red stuttering mess.

"What? No! -I just also need shoes- Why would I care about his feet? even if they are probably big- I mean- not that-  size doesn't matter anyway-I mean! UGH!"

"Good job Mia, you broke him.. again." Adira said in a deadpan tone.

"He makes it too easy!" She chuckled.

"uhhhhh... Am I missing something?" Jake asked, clearly clueless about the interaction.

"Shoe size?" Mia looked at him confused.

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