The Meeting.

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A few hours of Jake checking the clock later it was finally 7:30. He had asked his boss when he got to work if there would be anything extra he needed to do before he left so he could do it early and leave on time. He also messaged Gray the second he got off the phone with Mia to see if he would be able to make it to the meeting at the coffee shop. Gray happily confirmed and even offered to drive.
Jake stood outside the store looking for the car that Gray described when he heard honking. When he looked in the direction of the honking he saw Gray waving out the window trying to get his attention. He ran over to the car while he was stopped at a stop sign so he wouldn't have to take the time finding a parking spot.

"Hey man, thanks"

"No Problem. how was work?"

"Not bad, but it felt like the longest shift ever though. Probably since I kept checking the time."

"yeah I can Imagine."

"Do you kn ow where we're going?"

"yeah I already have the Directions on my phone, we should be there in like 10 minutes."


"You nervous?"

"yeah a little, I dont know why though."

"Probably because your about to meet someone you might end up living with for the next few months."

"wow thanks."

"well am I wrong?"

"its fine. Im fine. Its no big deal, Im just... over thinking it. Right?"

"keep telling yourself that" Gray laughed. "oh and thanks for aksing how my day was, that was really nice of you." He said pretending to be upset. trying to change the subject as a way to calm Jake down.

"Oh dam, my bad dude. How was your day?" Jake asked instantly forgetting about the ball of anxiety growing in his stomach.

"well, after our cute little lunch date, I had my Pathology class which was ass. But I think im starting to not suck at it which is nice."

"Pathology? Are you a nursing major?"

"Yeah, on paper. To be honest im not sure what I want to do, but nursing made more sense than forensic entomology."

"That is... oddly specific?"

"You know Bones?"


"That show about the forensic anthropologist Dr. Temperance Brennan?"


Gray's eyes got wide with disbelief.
"WHAT? You're so watching it with me. You have no choice."

"wait wait wait. now im confused. Entomology or anthropology?"

"Oh my god 'both' obviously. I also wish I had the artistic ability to do facial reconstructions like Angela."


"Angela Montenegro. She's another character from the show. You'll love her. I'll make you watch it with me when you move into your new appartment" Gray said with a wink as he pulled into a parking space right outside The Spot. "But for now you should focus on making a good first impression."

"wow thanks, I definetly wasn't already anxious enough"

"Dont worry about it, thats what you have me here for" Gray said as they both got out of the car.

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