Roomies TBD

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It had been a few days since Jake woke up outside sitting on a picknic table with Gray's head resting gently on his sholder. It wasnt weired or anything, they were both tired after the long day and the hour or so of walking and talking. And Jakes sholder was much softer than the wooden table that they fell asleep on.
They hadent seen each other since that moring. Not becuase they didnt want to. They Actually texted quite often, they just couldnt find the time to actually hang out. Between the still ongoing chaos of the burned down dorm building, classed, and Jakes Job, Neither of them had a lot of spare time.
But today they both managed to sqeeze about an hour or so to get lunch together.

The campus had a few different cafes to choose from. There was The Stone Building, which was an all you can eat kind of place, each student got to eat there for free with guest 5 times per semester, But most students saved those tickets for when their family visited. The biggest and most popular cafe building was Steward Hall. Students that lived on campus recieved 4 free meals a week included with the Room and board fee's. The students that didn't live on campus also recieved 1 free meal a week included in with their tuition. It was a very large, long building with lots of seating areas. One of the long walls was full of different resteraunt options such as Little Ceasers, Subway, Taco Bell, Panda Express, Chick-Fil-A and more. The other long wall was covered in murals painted by students in the Advanced Murals class. The rest of the Cafes were smaller and scattered around the campus but they werent free.

Jake and Gray had agreed to meet up at Steward Hall and the closest available table to the forest mural after they had gotten their food. Jake realised he got there first after he left the line with his food and didnt see Gray sitting anywhere. He found an empty round table where they agreed and he sent a text to Gray letting him know he found a spot and was waiting for him. Jake had gotten Subway. A foot long sub sandwich with a bottled water and a bag of Sun Chips. He stared at the mural for a moment. Admiring how the artist clearly took their time in the small details. After a few minutes he pulled his phone back out and opened the Roommate App the school made.

The School had just finished the app and sent the link to all the students from the second year dorm building the previous day. Its actually why Jake and Gray agreed to meet up for lunch today. They were going to set it up together. The App had Just finished loading and was asking Jake to sign in when he heard a freindly voice.

"Hey Jake!"

Jake looked up to see Gray and shared the smile he happily wore. Gray was carrying a tray with food from Panda Express, He wasnt sure what he got yet but he could smell the chicken and the rice.

"Hey man good timing, I just got the App to finish loading"

Gray leaned in and squinted at the phone.

"you havent done 'anything' yet?"

"No, I told you I was going to wait for you. all i've done so far is sign in with my student email"

Gray set down his tray and took the phone out of Jakes hands as he sat down accross from him.

"Well shall we get too it? I'd hate for you to miss out after all the good roommates are taken."

"Im not sure thats how the app works but yeah lets."

"Alright, name please" Gray said sitting up perfectly straight and putting on his best customer service voice.

"Jake Morris. Thats M. O. R. R. I. S." Jake played along.

"okay Mr. Morris, can I have your date of birth if you'd be so kind."

"December 21st 1999"

"omg so close to christmas? Birthdays must have been wild huh?" Gray said breaking character.

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