Moving Day

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A few hours later, after the three of them finished packing Gray's things and filling out paperwork with the Dean.

"Which one is it?"  Gray asked Mia, The two of them rode together in his car while Jake followed in his.

There were several other students alond the road and sidewalks, going in and out of different apartments, clearly also in the process of moving in.

"Im not sure, it just says 'Building 4, 2A.' But I cant tell which building is which"

"You know what im just gonna park, and we can look for it on foot." Gray said pulling into an empty space.

"You really gonna make me walk? Im not sure I want to live with you anymore" She joked, unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Too late, you're stuck with me, paperworks gone through" Gray winked.

They both got out of the car and signaled for Jake to follow.

"We're gonna try to find it on foot, since they all look the same." Gray said, leaning into Jake's window.

"Im pretty sure this is it right here" Jake said pointing at the building right in front of them.

"What makes you say that pretty boy?" Mia asked, leaning against Gray's car and crossing her arms.

"Well uhh... we passed 3 building before this one.. also that big '4' right there is a pretty good indicator." He answered in a mocking tone.

Gray and Mia followed the direction Jake was pointing and saw what he was talking about. The building was 2 stories tall with an exposed brick exterior. The First floor doors were sunk in to the front, with the stairs to the second floor doors between them. The stairs led up to a small shared patio area with doors about 8 feet apart on either side. The small are acted as a roof over the first floor patio that looked exactly the same. In front of the building were a few fairly large trees, one of which hung a large, dark blue number "4".

"How the hell did we not see that?" Gray asked to no on in particular, not expecting an answer.

"Well I wasnt really paying attention, and you were focused on me because im so gorgeous." Mia said, dramatically flipping her hair with her hand and checking her nails while moving her head from side to side in a sassy manor.

"yeah" Gray laughed. "You're probably right."

By now, Jake was out of his car walking towards the building. "When you guys are done doing.. Whatever 'that' is' Id like to check it out" He laughed.

The three of them made their way up the stairs to the second floor. Each building had 4 apartments. The bottom two, 1A and 1B had 4 bedrooms each, and the top two, 2A and 2B, had 3.

"Who has the keys?" Gray asked peering into the window that looked out onto, and past, the patio.

"I got 'em" Jake said already working on opening the door.

"Dude im so exciiteedd" Mia was lightly stopping her feet and rubbing her hands together.

"Here we go." Jake said turning the knob and opening the door. He then reached in, feeling for a light switch.

Once he turned on the lights the three of them piled in. The three of them were collectively shocked by how spaceous it was. They had no idea what it was going to look like. The students didnt really have the option to tour the apartments, given they were all virtually identical floor plans, and due to the short time period it would have been essentially pointless.

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