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Short one for you all 🙈...

Love is synonymous with torture. Anyone who tells you differently has only experienced love through cheesy romance Novels and children's stories.

I was in love with a man and it hurt so badly. It hurt worse than the beating that man had given me. I was sure I didn't love Declan, however I was also sure i was in love with him. Because I thought about him all the time whilst I was laying in that hospital bed. I mulled over every word we'd ever exchanged; I thought about his smile and laugh; I thought about how he kissed me and how it was all a dirty trick.

My heart was broken and that was something no doctor could ever fix. So I spent my days wallowing in self-pity. During the attack my prosthetic had been snapped, I was at the bottom of a waiting list for a new one because I was an inmate. So until I got a new one I was confined to crutches on those rare occasions I was unchained to use the bathroom.

The door thudded against the wall and it slammed open, just from that aggression I knew who it was.

"You here to piss me off?"

"Well it's so easy."

"Dont you have anything better to do?"

"Yes actually, Lisa. But I've done her today already so I thought I'd come and visit my favourite cripple."

With a sharp growl, my body tensed and I slammed my eyes shut at the pain, although the bruises had faded and the cuts had healed any internal damage was still very much torture. Thanks to my inability to snitch, Mulhern didn't think I'd earned any painkillers.

"What do you want." I grunted, not looking at the arsehole who was fucking my ex-wife. Honestly I thought she had standards.

"The Warden thinks you're taking too long."

"Well if the warden got me morphine maybe I'd be up and kicking your ass already."

Lano laughed and stepped around my bedside, pulling away the blankets covering my body to look at my missing leg. "Yeah I don't think so legless."

The cuffs burned my wrists as they stopped me from murdering the guard above me.

"You're very Spritely for a sick man sparky. I think it's about time we got you back to the doghouse."

"I don't have my prosthetic."

"God such a weak faggot. Man up. You're Lucky to have it in there anyway."

I wasn't even sure why I was engaging with him. He was a psychopath. My blood was boiling as he smirked down at my murderous expression, clearly feeling like a god with the power he had over me.

When I didn't reply, Lano chuckled, "Mulhern will be in tomorrow to take you back."

"You can't do that." I growled.

Lano stilled on his way to the door and turned with a curiously arched eyebrow, "Can't I? What makes you think that?"

"I need a medical examination to be released back into general population."

The curly haired man laughed and his grin was evil, "You just got one."

I expression turned dark, "You looked at my leg."

"And its still missing. Congratulations." Lano placed his hand over his baton and smirked, "Oh cheer up sparky, this is good. Means you can go get your Arse fucked by the Queen prison bitch early."

To be Pretty in Prison Where stories live. Discover now