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The bunk's layout ^^ Just like Orange is the new black 🧡

Had so many positive comments on the last chapter and hearing what people like and don't like and think is gonna happen really shapes the plot so Thankyou so much ❤️

"So Inmate McPartlin. It's nice to meet you, I'm Officer Mulhern and I've been assigned as your councillor."

I nodded silently from across the guards desk, taking in his skinny frame and uncharacteristically handsome features.

"Warden Cowells already told me about you. You're the soldier right?"

"Yes sir."


"Bomb disposal."

"Wow... and your PTSD, how has it been? Any recent panics?"

I shuffled uncomfortably and shrugged, "Only a few micro flashbacks. It's bad when I'm stressed... or have too much time to think."

"Well My job is to be here if you ever need to talk about anything. What I might be able to help with is occupying your time. Normally, new inmates go through a long process to get assigned but because of your pretty extensive resumé and the fact most of the guys can't tell a live from an earth wire, I've had you placed in electrical."

"I never actually got certified as an electrician you know? I made it further through my mechanical course."

"Meh, doesn't really matter. You'll just be fixing the odd light or microwave. It'll just keep your hands busy. Besides, it earns you 17p an hour into your commissary."

I shrugged, that was slave labour but I knew it would be low.

"When do I start?"

"Tomorrow. An inmate will come from their block to show you around your new bunk. You're in D dorms so it'll probably be Donnelly."

"He's in my dorm?"

"You'll share a dorm with 30 other inmates. Donnelly is one of them."

I couldn't help the shy smile that tugged at the corners of my mouth but I ducked my head to hide it.


I'd been expecting someone to come all day and it was almost lights out. I had all my stuff packed and was sat waiting patiently while Chatty was playing cards below me with one of his friends who I'm pretty sure had already robbed him blind.

"Hey Soldierboy."

My gaze lifted from my hands to smile at Dec who smirked, he leant in the doorway and gestured me out, "stop looking so sad and come with me. Looks like you're joining the big boys."

I hopped down from my bunk landing on my good leg so I looked more athletic than I actually was.

"Took your time didn't ya?" I asked, swinging my laundry bag over my shoulder but Dec just shrugged, starting out the corridor.

"Been a bit busy."

"In here?" I asked in surprise and once again Donnelly shrugged.

"We've all gotta have a hobby."

"Yours tall, thick and muscular?" I half joked but Dec didn't laugh, in fact I was beginning to register he was a lot more subdued today.

To be Pretty in Prison Where stories live. Discover now