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There are parts of this i really love and parts of it I really don't but it's the first update I've been able to properly commit myself to in a long time ❤️ please enjoy.

"Ah here it is. Yep looks like you're good to go. Got your tag on?"

I nodded minutely, flashing my wristband. The old guard picked up another donut from his packet greedily with a hum, "well..." he looked at me awkwardly when I didn't move immediately from the doorway, "fuck off then."

Used to being treated like a stray mutt, i just nodded emotionlessly, crunched my hall pass into my pocket and slung my towel over my shoulder, heading towards the shower.

Rarely did I ever leave my bunk at night, not after... what happened in the bathroom... but I couldn't sleep, the new prosthetic hadn't broken in yet so the pain in my stump had gone from a dull ache to feeling as though a million little pins were pressing into the damaged skin.

Hopefully a spray of lukewarm water would ease some of my pain, I pushed through the double doors leading to the shower room but stopped in the threshold when I heard the spray of a shower already running. Really not trusting the prison at night and not wanting to alert whoever it was to my presence, I closed the doors quietly behind me and rounded the corner, my nerves spiking when I saw Declan stepping his head of Sandy brown hair under the spray with an angelic hum.

I knew the Geordie criminal showered alone every night. I hadn't realised this was his shower slot and although my brain told me I should leave, my eyes didn't want to be dragged away from Donnelly's body.

It was even more obvious than ever looking at him why he was so popular with the powerful men in the prison. He was probably just a bit younger than me, at 27,  but his body was full of boyish youth, from the back he looked hairless and although he lacked muscle his body was pleasantly toned and his ass... i swallowed thickly and tried to control myself... his ass was made up of two perfectly round crystal white globes, no imperfect tan line he was all just... flawless. I so badly wanted to reach out and just...touch.

I'd been so meserused by his body I'd stopped seeing him like a human for a second and wanting to get closer, stepped into the tiled floor of the showers, kind of wanting to see more. When he turned I couldn't really think, he was fully naked and he was... he was really hot and my eyes were fixed on him... on his—-

"I swear to god sparky if you take one step closer I will gut you like a fucking fish."

The terrifyingly harsh tone coming from some thing so beautiful broke the spell and I looked up, my eyes shooting to the size of tennis balls when I realised there was a shank pointed at my neck. I hadn't even realised I'd stepped closer but I was now almost under the spray and the pure fear in the smaller man's emerald green orbs made me realise exactly how big of a mistake I'd made.

There wasn't much further that Donnelly could go but he managed to press himself back against the shower wall. "This is my slot..." he hissed, looking quite small with only the knife to arm him, face pale as a sheet but body turning a little pink from the warmth of the water on his cold skin. "What do you want?"

"N-nothing... a-a shower is all I'm sorry."

I stepped back but Donnelly still looked prettified his knuckles turned white with their grip around the blade and his chest rose and fell in short pants as he worked himself up into a panic attack. I decided it best to stop staring at his naked body and turned.

"I honestly didn't know you'd be in here, the guard made it sound like I was the only one— I-I'm really sorry I meant no harm."

"Then why were you walking towards me!" He exclaimed, his voice raw as though on the edge of tears. The shower had timed out by now and In the deafening silence I could hear the knife swish through the air when he angrily took a swipe for punctuation.

To be Pretty in Prison Where stories live. Discover now