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I can't remember if I've already used the picture above but it's hot enough to reuse i think we can all agree 🖤

"I'm going to escape. You're coming with me."

Donnelly had said a lot of words very fast since then. But that was all I had running through my mind.


With him.

What in gods name was wrong with him?!

"—and after you blow through those bars my brother will be waiting for us. Along with cash, new passports and identities. So what do you think? Pretty clever huh?"

"Are you fucking insane? Escape?!!" I whisper yelled the last word, still not believing it.

"Oh god keep up sparky. Yes escape. You can't seriously tell me you wanna be stuck in here for the rest of your life."

"Well that was kind of the plan."

"What a fucking waste. You don't belong in here and you'd be a fool to miss this opportunity."

"There's a reason I'm in here you know? It's not for running some drug ring or robbing a corner shop. I fucking killed a boy. A kid."

"I know. I read the court case. You were drunk in a bar, 6th night in a row according to the owner. Some punk walks up and wants to pick a fight with the village drunk. Not realising that drunk had severe PTSD, an extensive Military history and catalogue of deadly reflexes behind him. Not to mention enough prescription pills to kill a fucking horse running through his blood stream. You only punched him once. But he died when his head hit the floor. It wasn't your fault."

"I threw the first punch."

"He approached you first."

"He was just 18 years old. He was still a kid."

"And you were not to fully to blame. Punishing yourself ain't gonna bring him back."

I fell silent. Because he was right. I took that kids life away from him and no amount of torture in this place was ever going to make up for it. I didn't believe in god who was I trying to earn my redemption from?

I turned away with a growl but Declan's dainty hands didn't allow it and pulled my face straight back down to look into his eyes.

"If I'm going to get out of here I need you with me Sparky. When we get out I'll make sure you have a good life. I promise you'll have a good life."

"On the run."

"I have ways planned to stop them looking once we are gone."

"And I'm supposed to just blindly trust you? You said I couldn't trust anyone and now you're asking me to risk this?!"

"For fuck sake risk what?!" Decs hands clawed at my chest and he leant in against me, holding my stare so every word struck through my soul. "You're in for life! You're going to rot and die in here. Sure they didn't send you to Maximum or to a mental institution but all this is just a sugar coated death sentence."

"Fine. Fine i get it I'm screwed without you. But what about your motivation huh? You'll get out in what? 4 years? Why are you so eager to leave. To be a criminal for the rest of your life."

To be Pretty in Prison Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt