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This chapter will make that picture even more sexy ^^ wait till the end 😉

Three days as if I didn't exist.

I quite enjoyed them.

Declan didn't lie when he said he would be busy with work, the only time I saw him was when he took smoke breaks from meetings with his brothers. He'd glance in my direction through the group of bodies surrounding him; through the clouds of smoke and his green eyes would pierce through me, sending my body hot and cold.

He kept his distance, but kept me tethered on his rope.

I was treated well on the yacht, the party goers had left on speedboats the following day so besides the staff, I was the only person not present at the many meetings that occurred throughout the day.

I had a room all to myself, with a door that could lock, something you valued much more after life in prison. I could shower whenever I wanted too; eat whenever I wanted... I found there were loads of little things I never really appreciated before, like light switches, I loved light switches, having the control, when the lights were too bright or uncomfortable, to just flick them off— it was such a good feeling.

I had been struggling at first to adjust to my new life, but light switches made it easier;  going 10 minutes without being hassled made it easier too.

Although suddenly being completely alone was a shock, I quite enjoyed exploring the yacht, reading books and relaxing without fear of unwelcome interruptions.

I wasn't sure where the yacht was heading, but we drifted around undisturbed on mostly calm waters. As the days ticked by, I found my mind occasionally wondering back to my son, Charlie, I'd stand at the side of the boat, just watching the waves and losing myself in my thoughts, wondering what he was doing, how he was feeling, if he was thinking about me, if he'd move on already— if he'd started to forget me.

I could spiral down that rabbit hole all day and night but the shooting pains in my leg became a strangely welcome distraction. I limped down onto the bottom deck and knocked on the open door of Curly's room. This was the only Freedom I hadn't been granted, access to my own medical supplies. It seemed Dec didn't trust me with such a finite resource and I couldn't really blame him for that. When the pain got bad, I got out of control.

The tall curly haired man appeared in doorway with a frown, he checked his watch. "You're too early."

I grit my teeth, preparing for our usual argument, "I'm in pain. I wouldn't be if you didn't set my doses so far apart."

"Boss's orders. You get two in the morning, two at night."

"And I can't last that long. If you gave me a half dose in the afternoon this wouldn't even be an issue."

"We don't have the supplies for that."

"I know. We've had this discussion. That's why I'm suggesting you just give me the pills now and a sleeping pill, I'll crash before the pain gets too bad."

Curly rolled his eyes. "Not unless the boss says so."

He slammed the door in my face and I groaned in frustration. No alcohol, no pain killers. Thoughts of my son. It almost made me wish I was back in prison.

The Yacht had a built in cinema with a transparent floor so I could spend an evening just sitting there and watch for fish— and there were a surprising number swimming beneath us. I put on a movie but didn't really pay attention much to what was being said, i sat leant forward, my arms resting on my knees and eyes staring at the glass floor, studying the ocean below.

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