The Haircut

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(Y/n) slowly opened his eyes as he yawned. He felt something laying on his chest, he looked down and noticed M'gann laying fast asleep on top of him. He yawned as he tried to remember what had happened the last night, they had been watching tv, nothing more. His thoughts were interrupted as he heard M'gann yawn and he noticed her eyes open as she stared up at him. 'Good morning' he felt the girl say to him telepathically.

'Good morning M'gann' (y/n) replied with his mind. 'I didn't know you were a telepath'

'Yep!' She replied happily. 'All martians are'

'You haven't been reading my mind this whole time have you?' (Y/n) asked with a smirk.

M'gann paled a bit. "S-should I not? On mars it's normal to do that" she asked aloud.

"I don't mind" (y/n) replied with a shrug. "But most humans probably won't like it if you read their minds"

"Good to know" M'gann replied as she finally noticed the position they were in. She made a sort of squeaking noise and fell off the bed. She groaned as her head hit the floor. "Sorry!"

"I don't mind" (y/n) replied again as he stood up and offered his hand to the girl. She took it and (y/n) pulled her to her feet. "You probably shouldn't fall asleep with any random person though"

"I'll try not to make a habit of it" M'gann replied with a nod. She took a moment to think about her outfit and in a second she was out of her pajamas and in her super suit.

"Well that's a convenient power" (y/n) said as he looked at her costume.

"Oh none of these clothes are even real. I just changed my shape so that humans would have an easier time trusting me, the clothes are just a part of the shapeshifting" M'gann said as she walked over to her mirror and looked at herself.

"So technically you're naked right now?" (Y/n) asked confusedly.

M'gann blushed before taking a moment to think about it. "I suppose so" she finally answered. 'Hey stop that!' She said telepathically after seeing what the boy was thinking. She glared at the boy.

"Oh right. Mind reader. Got it" (y/n) said as he blushed a bit and turned away. He quickly used his magic to make himself clean.

"Do you have any plans for today?" M'gann asked as she sat back down on her bed.

"Nope. You're my only friend so it's not like I have anyone else to hang out with" (y/n) replied as he shrugged and looked in the mirror before moving a strand of hair from his face. "I need a haircut"

"Oh! Can I do it?!" M'gann asked excitedly.

"I was just gonna use my magic" (y/n) admitted which caused the girl to look upset. "But I guess you could give it a try"

"Oh thank you!" She said excitedly as she stood up and hugged the boy quickly. "You won't regret this"

"We'll see" (y/n) replied with a sigh.

"Now sit down while I go get scissors" M'gann said as she pushed the boy onto her bed.

(Y/n) waited and a few minute later M'gann walked through the wall holding a pain of scissors and a trimmer. "I'm gonna end up looking like an idiot aren't I?"

"You'll look great! Have some faith" M'gann replied. "Now sit still" she said before beginning to cut the hair. "Oops"

"Oops? What's oops?" (Y/n) asked as he looked around towards the mirror.

"Nothing. It's fine... I hope" M'gann said before making him sit still.

A few minutes later M'gann put down her tools and looked at the boys hair. "I'm sorry!" She handed him a mirror.

(Y/n) observed his hair in the mirror before laughing. "What happened to not making me look like an idiot?"

"Uh-" M'gann tried to think up a good response before (y/n) waved it off.

"It's fine" he said before begging a spell. "Tuc ym riah!" Suddenly his hair was perfectly cut. "See? Everything's fine"

Word count: 717

(So this is a chapter I started off randomly and then just decided to see where it takes me. Hence the randomness and weirdness)

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