The Path

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The next morning it was raining as the group left the Inn and packed to leave. It added to the testament that Romania could be just as gloomy and miserable as other place, but perhaps it was like this because this was the Vampire master's homeland. After all Lecura did not want to believe that this land was naturally so bad, preferring instead to think that it was the evil presence causing the heavy rain and darkened clouds. Regardless it was miserable weather to travel in, and even if it did not let up they still were travelling in it. Mounting up, Lecura pulled her hood up as they rode from the village. As with any unfamiliar terrain the group had studied their intended path to cut down on time and avoid stopping to consult the map. As usual Abe led the way, and Morris took up the rear, mainly because if Morris was in the middle the group suffered an earful of complaints.

The only thing that really slowed the group down was the fact that this route was certainly less travelled. It made the path less visible because so few had gone this way, and some of the signs or markers were old and weathered, one of them was so worn it was hard to make out what it said. Luckily it was not all bad, and by mid-day the rain had stopped leaving nothing but dark clouds overhead. Finally Lecura sighed, "You would think the sun could peek through once in a while."

"I get the feeling the sun does not like this forsaken place." Rorke pointed out.

"This land is cursed. Living proof was yesterday did you see that barmaid?" Morris called from the back, different ones looked back at Morris as though to ask him: 'What about the barmaid?' Instead Morris howled like a wolf at the moon getting a few of them to laugh.

"I fail to see how the land is cursed because of the looks of one barmaid." Demetri spoke up.

"The women here are dogs!" Morris pointed out.

"You say that about every land we have been to Morris." Thrask laughed.

"The women in France are..." Cordric started and was mimicking Morris' voice and got the whole group to say, "Dogs!"

"The women in Spain are..." Rorke added again mimicking Morris, and as before the entire group said, "Dogs!"

"The women in England are..." Thrask started mimicking Morris.

"Hey!" Lecura replied, "I am from England and a woman."

"No you are not!" Morris teased, "You are a..." He trailed off trying to think, then called to their leader. "Hey Abe what is this runt that travels with us? She can not be a girl, right?"

Abe was up ahead trying to keep from shaking with laughter at the groups banter. Instead Rorke answered. "Morris has a point she dresses like a boy, acts like a boy. Therefore she must be..."

"A boy!" The group cheered.

"Haha! Very funny!" Lecura replied, then smirked, "Well if I am a boy then Morris is a girl! He certainly complains like one!"

"Hey!" Morris retorted.

"You know she has a point." Wesley finally joined in, getting the others to laugh.

"Maybe we can destroy Dracula. Hear me out on this one. We go to the clearing, dress Morris up in a pink dress and when Dracula lowers his guard we strike!" Thrask suggested getting the others to laugh as they rode along. The playful banter helped to make the days travelling go that much faster.

Deep in the heart of the hidden fortress known as Dracula's castle, Dracula sat in his throne room deep in thought. He had been receiving reports regularly on the arrival of the vampire hunters. They have come by way of the Black Sea and were currently making their way up through Wallachia. His spies also managed to find the fools that were plotting against him. So here he sat waiting, finally he heard Captain Aiden and his men practically dragging the upstarts to the double doors before the doors opened. His captain was dragging the man and threw him to the steps leading to Dracula's thrown, his family was soon tossed there too. Dracula peeked over at his advisor Femris. The advisor was an older sly man with cold calculating eyes and white-grey hair. Then Dracula looked back at the nobleman and his family more carefully.

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