The Hard Part

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The next morning the group rose at dawn, dressed, and ate breakfast in the dining hall. Today they would look for this clearing where the girl would be found. Lecura came out mostly in black clothing and armed just in case anyone wanted to try her patience. Coming down to the dining area, she found her group again in the far corner and took her seat by Abe's side. "Alright today we search for the clearing. Nostradamus spoke of a clearing of death marked by a dead tree in the form of a cross."

"How long before this eclipsing blood moon?" Rorke asked.

"First frost is shorthand for the first days of winter, and that is in three days time. The girl will be in the clearing before first frost, before winter starts. And according to some astronomy charts the moon will be eclipsed in two days time." Abe explained as he pulled out the charts to show what he knew to the group.

"Meaning we have today and tomorrow to find this clearing." Thrask said.

"Did Nostradamus give any other clues on the clearing's location?" Cordric asked.

"None, but between us we should be able to find it." Abe replied. "We go out today and keep searching until three o'clock, then whether we find the clearing or not we return to the Inn. No staying out and risking it, understand?"

Each member agreed, finished eating, and rose to leave. Again they were teamed into pairs and this time Lecura was partnered up with Thrask. The group headed out of town in the direction of the Carpathian Mountains then branched off going in different directions with their assigned partner to try and find the clearing described. For most of the day the group search but with little luck in finding the clearing. After the afternoon was starting to head towards evening Lecura sighed. "Time to head back Thrask."

"Yeah well we have tomorrow to find the clearing." Thrask replied hopefully.

"Unless one of the others have found it." Lecura pointed out, then they both froze. A twig had snapped, someone was close by. Both hunters pulled their blades and took up hidden positions, Thrask hid in the nearby brush and Lecura behind a large oak tree. However what happened next was unexpected, and made Lecura jump from her hiding place and whirl around. Out of nowhere someone behind her had held up a single rose to her. Turning to face the hand it was attached to it was none other then Julien who smiled at her.

"Forgive me for startling you, Lady Lecura." Julien still held out the rose to her with a soft smile gracing his lips. Slowly Lecura relaxed and Thrask came out from his hidden spot.

"Julien sorry you just surprised me. We were just looking for the clearing." Lecura replied sheathing her blades then looking at the offered rose. No one really bothered with these type of sweet gestures, and so it took her a moment to accept the flower, "Thank you."

"It is my pleasure. As for the clearing it has already been located. My team located it yesterday morning."

"Now I feel foolish for not asking." Lecura sighed embarrassed.

"Do not be. One of my men overheard about the incident on the boat, obviously you did not expect aid from the others." Julien replied, "Now unlike the fools on the boat, I would never underestimate such a beautiful lady."

Again Lecura blushed as Julien took her hand and placed a kiss on it. It made her uneasy when men tried to seduce her, but this time she was uneasy for a whole other reason. If allowed she could easily fall for the Frenchman, but resisted such ideas. He seemed to notice that, but rather then be discouraged he smiled and said. "Come we should return to the Inn before dark."

So the group returned to the Inn, and found their friends in their usual corner. Julien returned to his own group to sit down and order food. So Lecura and Thrask headed for Abe and their table of gathered companions. "The clearing has already been located. Julien's team found it yesterday."

Abe looked at Lecura and noticed the rose in her hand, and naturally Lecura followed his gaze. "I was being nice."

"Mmmhmm." Abe replied tightly, "You know this complicates things, right?"

"How so?" Morris asked confused.

"The other hunters may be after Dracula. They may not let us take the girl to safety." Rorke pointed out.

"Do you think your new friend is after Dracula?" Thrask asked Lecura.

"Hard to tell. We are not that close, but I will say this he is no fool. He may not be here to kill Dracula, maybe he is here for the same reason as us." Lecura replied thinking things through. Silence soon spread over their table as the group thought about it.

"Can you find out his intentions?" Abe asked.

"Yes I could try." Lecura replied apprehensively.

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