(9) Have You Done It Yet?

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Two days later,

"Hey Barnes hold up we want to talk to you." Bailey said 

Bucky stopped at the locker door, practice was over and he was avoiding the seniors. 

Bailey wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "So you are the last of the juniors that hasn't checked in with us. Have you done it yet?" Bailey said 

Bucky shrugged him off, "No I already told you I wasn't going to do that." He said 

"Come on Barnes, your brothers did it. They left this school as legends on the football field and party field. Don't you want that too?" Rodrick said

"Look I said no, its not right that you all are doing this." Bucky said 

"Your brothers man, they weren't like this at all according to my brothers. If you want to continue being the top QB you might want to re check your attitude towards this." Bailey said and walked out with the his buddies following him. 

Bucky went into the shower hall, and cried. "I can't.." he whispered as he wiped his face. 

All the way home he kept hearing "your brothers.." in his head. 

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