(38) Wedding Day Bliss

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A year later, 

It was a cool October day, on Bucky and Kristin's wedding day. Bucky opened up a black gift bag laying on his tux bag when he got to the groom suite. 

He pulled out a box, inside was a watch from Kristin. He smirked as he slid it on "Thank you baby." He whispered. 

Downstairs in the bridal suite, she opened up a big velvet box from Bucky. He had gifted her with a jewelry set. 

When it was time for everyone to line up, Steve and his wife Vera's daughter was a flower girl with Katalina. Natasha's son with her husband Marshall and Sam's son were the ring bearers. Steve was his best man while Vera was her matron of honor. 

"James, we have had our ups and our downs, but through it all you have shown me that you will always be here for me. You show me that over and over even when I push you away. I am forever grateful for having you as my best friend, my lover, the father of our daughter but more than anything for having you as my soul mate. I love you James and I can't wait to continue to grow old with you." 

"Kristin, from the moment you stepped out in a beautiful blue dress when we were 13 Ive been in love. You are so much more than a best friend, you are my everything my heart my soul and my life. To me you are the most beautiful girl in the room or the world rather. Our forever continues today from the womb to the grave Kristin me and you always." 

They exchanged rings, and Bucky dipped her when he kissed her. 

At the reception, their first dance song was "Me & You" by Kenny Chesney. 

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