Stargazing (Bella Swan x Alice Cullen)

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"Do you miss the sun?"

"No actually, I never really liked the sun."

Alice and Bella were sitting in a large meadow of grass. It was another cold and quite night. The grass flattened under the wind in beautiful shimmering waves, each blade turned momentarily to reflect brilliant moonlight. Each one was no more than a slim wand of green, yet together they danced in way that was harmonious.

Alice lay flat against the grass, her arms and legs were sprawled out. "I miss it." She sighed. "Even though I don't remember, really, what it felt like. It's funny how much we crave what we can't have.

"You really aren't missing much Alice. The moon is much prettier anyways." Bella gazed up to the night sky. The sky overhead was bright, every star standing out against the velvet blackness.

Alice turned her head to look at Bella who was staring fondly at the night sky. An urge to kiss her swelled up inside Alice's chest, which she promptly suppressed.

"Look!" Bella exclaimed, grabbing Alice's hand in one of hers and using the other to point to the sky. "A shooting star."

Bella didn't let go of her hand, not even when they had both moved to look at the streaks of light moving across the sky. On impulse, Alice moved her hand inside Bella's, threading their fingers together

"I think this is a meteor shower Bella." Alice whispered. For just a moment, Bella looked away from the sky to smile at her. She still didn't try to remove her hand from Alice's.

"It really is pretty." Bella said in a reverent whisper. Her eyes were following the trails left by the meteors, so that she didn't notice Alice's gaze fixed on her. In Alice's opinion, Bella's excitement and wonder was a better view than the meteors themselves.

Even though Alice watched the flash of meteors up above, she was really more focused on how soft Bella's hand was in hers.

"If there was a shooting star what would you wish for." Bella asked taking her gaze away from the night sky to look fondly at Alice who was rubbing small circles with her thumb on the back of Bella's hand. Their eyes reflected on each other. It was just the two of them.

"It already came true." Alice inched in closer with their faces almost touching. Bella smiled and their lips met and a soft tender kiss was formed between the two vampires. Bella could feel her heart beating faster as she gripped Alice's chest. Alice pulled her waste in tighter for a longer more passionate kiss. Alice brought her hands up to Bella's hair and gripped it tight. Oh how she had waited for this moment for the longest time, to finally feel her tender lips on hers. Bella's scent filled her with euphoria, she smelled like strawberries and vanilla. This was liberating. It was like a dream.

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