I Tackle My Best Friend

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***Above is Charlotte***

I glanced at my surroundings as I crept through the undergrowth. A slight rustle came from a bush that was a few feet away from me.

I slowly backed away from the bush without making the slightest noise. I gasped as 2 bulky arms grabbed me from behind. I was lifted off my feet which gave me the advantage.

I kicked my feet backwards with as much force as possible. I grabbed my attacker's arm and pinned them to the ground roughly. I grinned as I saw the familiar face.

"What have I told you about sneaking up on me?!" I accused to my best friend, Hal.

He chuckled and replied jokingly "Not to do it. I don't think I'll be able to walk for a while because of you,"

I laughed and jumped off of him. He pulled himself up and brushed off his pants.

"So why exactly did you sneak up on me?" I questioned.

Hal suddenly looked panicked as if he forgot crucial evidence to finding a murderer.

"Oh my goodness! I completely forgot! Study Hall is over in 3 minutes! We need to get back to school!" Hal reminded me.

Hal and I broke into a sprint toward our school building.

We always sneak out of Study Hall to go outside. We've never been caught and I don't think we want to start today.

We made it inside the school and practically broke down the door to get inside the classroom. Luckily, nobody cares that we sneak out. Well, almost nobody.

Haley Watson is the only person who actually cares about my actions. She's like a shark with lip gloss and high heels.

Haley was waiting at the door with her arms crossed.

"Darn. You actually came back," Haley sighed.

Hal and I ran to our seats as fast as possible. Just as we sat down, the study hall teacher Mr.Holmes stalked into the room.

"Ms Watson, Why are you out of your seat? You do know that you must stay in your seat at all times, correct?" Mr.Holmes accused Haley.

Haley's jaw fell open in awe from getting in trouble. Her eyes narrowed as she glanced at me.

I met her glance with a big fat smirk. Haley mumbled an apology to Mr.Holmes and he excused her with a warning.

The last bell suddenly rang, reminding us all that school was finally over and that it is officially summer.

Hal and I bolted out of the classroom and ran out the school building.

"It's all over! Hallelujah!!!" Hal screamed. I gave him a big fake smile and quietly cheered as we strolled down the sidewalk.

Hal rolled his eyes and stated "I'm not your best friend for nothing Char. I know when you lie. What's wrong?"

I sighed and mumbled "My Dad. I have to stay with him for the summer... again,"

Hal thought for a moment and then replied "So what's the problem with this year?"

I let out a grunt and stated "He's sending me to a stupid camp and he keeps saying ' It's for your safety '. Like, what's that suppose to mean?!"

Hal chuckled and mumbled to himself "You sound like a girly girl," Anger washed over me.

Oh no. Whenever I get mad, I go all hulk on people and can't control myself.

I closed my eyes, not being able to watch what I would do to my closest friend.

All I heard were grunts, moans, and ' I didn't mean it 's. Then suddenly, silence. I calmed down after a few minutes and regretfully opened my eyes. I gasped at the sight.

Hal was face first on the sidewalk. All I saw was crimson blood in a pool next to him. I gripped onto Hal and gently turned him over to reveal his face. I went numb.

Hal's face was covered with bruises, scratches, nail marks, and blood. Lots and lots of blood.

I quickly checked for his pulse to make sure I didn't kill him. Thankfully, his pulse was normal.

Hal groaned and sat up to wipe his eyes. Then he chuckled. He actually is laughing that I beat him up.

Hal whispered "Lesson Learned," I chuckled and helped him get cleaned up.

I apologized multiple times and he repeatedly told me that I was forgiven. I sighed and thought about the incident. I felt like throwing up when I noticed my feelings.

I just noticed that I felt satisfied of myself. I feel as if I saved the world. My feelings are of accomplishment! I groaned and trudged beside my beaten best friend.

"Well, I'm really really sorry Hal. At least you'll be safe during the summer," I joked.

Hal bellowed a laugh as we arrived at my house.

"Bye Char. Have a great summer," Hal said as he walked away from my house.

I moaned as I swung the door close behind me.

"Why am I so weird?!" I screamed. My voice echoed through the house until it silenced.

My father ran up to me and frantically questioned "What's wrong?!"

My Dad's name is Jacob Smith. He works as a hunter. Yes, he pretty much serves your meat on the table. He is payed A LOT of green that pretty much makes us rich.

I sighed at my worried parent and mumbled "I did it again,"

He heaved a sigh and questioned "This is why I need to bring you to the...Special...camp. It will help you get over this...anger management,"

He then quickly added "Who?"

I closed my eyes and whispered as quietly as possible "Hal,"

I opened my eyes and saw my Dad's jaw dropped to the floor in shock.

"You hurt Hal?! I knew it was bad, but your best friend?! What did he say to set you off?"

I groaned and mumbled "Why do you care?" Then I started screaming.

"You don't even want to be near me this summer! Even you're afraid that I'll beat you up!!! You want to know what set me off?! Because Hal called me a girly girl!"

I huffed and took deep breathes.

Even though my Dad wants me away, I will never hurt him.

I calmed down and my father whispered "Um, you should start packing..."

I sighed and dragged myself upstairs to my room. Once I arrived to my room, I quietly shut my door and pulled out my backpack that I prepared this morning.

I opened it up, threw my toiletries in it, and zipped it back up. I hopped on to my bed and heaved a sigh.

If only I could change my temper! It's another burden with the ADHD and Dyslexia!

My eyes slowly weighed down and before I knew it, I was falling into a dreamy sleep.

Charlotte SmithWhere stories live. Discover now