I Become The Queen of Sass

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***Above is Jacob Smith***

My eyes fluttered open, but quickly shut when they met a bright light. I sighed and forced my eyes open.

I sat up once I noticed that I was flat on my back, but winced when pain shot through my bones. Ouch.

"You shouldn't try moving too much. You were pretty battered from that throw." Someone advised from beside me.

My head flashed to my side and I meet friendly gray eyes. There was a beautiful girl next to me that had golden blond hair that glistened in the light.

She smiled and stated "I'm Annabeth." I propped myself up with my elbow and smiled lightly.

"I'm Charlotte. Just wondering, where am I?" I questioned.

Annabeth sighed and stated "My friend Percy is better at this. Let me go get him. Okay?" I nodded and Annabeth jogged out the door.

My Dad suddenly came to mind. Is he okay? Where is he? Is he alive? I started having a panic attack at the thought of my father dying. My breathe picked up and I started hyperventilating.

Annabeth strolled in with a boy that had black hair and bright blue eyes. Annabeth rushed over to me and tried calming me down. The boy mimicked her actions quickly.

After about 5 minutes of soothing words, I finally calmed down.

Annabeth hugged me and I stiffened. Annabeth quickly noticed that I don't like being touched and she released me from her embrace. I was relieved that they didn't question my actions.

I looked toward the boy, who smiled nicely towards me. Why were they being so nice to me?

The boy greeted "Hi, I'm Percy. This is going to be hard to understand, but you'll just have to bare with me. Do you know anything about Greek mythology?" I nodded.

My Dad made me take the class at every grade. It was the one class I got a 100% A in.

Percy let out a relieved sigh. "This will be much easier. So all of that, it's real. The gods, the monsters, and everything else. When a god or goddess has a kid with a mortal, those kids are called demigods or half bloods. Me, Annabeth, you, and a lot of other kids are demigods. We're at a place called Camp Half Blood. It's the only place on Earth where demigods are mostly safe. You will train for the monsters out in the real world that you might have to face. I'm the son of Poseidon, the god of the sea. Annabeth is the daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom. You are undetermined, since we don't know who your godly parent is. What parent do you live with?" Percy explained.

I got a huge headache from all this information. I trust Annabeth and Percy, but demigods? Seriously?!

I looked down at my feet and mumbled "My dad."

Percy looked at me with concern and stated "That means your mom is a goddess. Annabeth? Can you show Charlotte around and bring her to the Hermes cabin?"

Annabeth nodded and I followed her out the door.

Right when she finished showing me around I asked "Where is my father? Is he okay?"

Annabeth looked down and shook her head. I could feel the color from my face vanish.

"He was very injured. The saytr that was healing him left for a little. When he came back, your father was gone. We don't know where he is and if he's alive or not." Annabeth mumbled.

I looked down and anger surged through me.

I clenched my teeth and asked "Is there a place where I can let off some steam?"

Annabeth nodded and pointed towards a large arena. She scurried off and I sprinted into the large structure.

I looked around and noticed that it was a fighting arena.

I grabbed a sword off the rack and strolled over to a practice dummy.

When I was 10 I was in a sword fighting class and was the best one in the class. I never lost.

I jabbed and skewered the dummy until my anger dissolved.

VI guess that since I was so focused, I didn't notice the large crowd of people behind me.

I turned around and applause erupted throughout them. I gave a small smile and hung up the sword on its rack.

I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder suddenly, knowing someone bumped into me.

"Watch where your going!" the person yelled. Everyone silenced and I looked toward the girl.

She had brown curly hair and brown eyes that were as dark as coals. She must be the daughter of Hephaestus

"Gods, what happened to your face? Did a truck run over it?" She asked.

My eyes narrowed and my anger poked at me.

"No. But do you really want to talk about MY looks. Have you SEEN yourself lately?" I responded. I took a deep breathe and controlled my anger.

"I wouldn't be so rude new girl. I could burn you alive with a snap of my fingers." She stated.

So she has fire powers... Cool.

"Go ahead. See how that works out for you. Oh! I forgot to tell you, Medusa wants her hair back." I sassed. The crowd gasped and waited for her reaction.

Her mouth dropped and she yelled "That's it! Your gonna get a taste of me!"

She looked at me with concentration and I waited for the fire to appear on my skin.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" She mumbled.

Someone from the crowd stated "Oh my Gods! She's fire proof!" The crowd gasped and I walked straight up to the girl.

"Sorry Twinkle Toes. You can't beat fire with fire when there isn't any." I stated and walked out the large arena.

The last thing I hear from the arena is "She is the freaking Queen of Sass!"

Charlotte SmithWhere stories live. Discover now