I Play Capture the Flag: Hunter's Style

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There was screaming, a lot of it.

I walked towards the screaming to see 13 gods and goddesses screaming at each other, though one of them sitting by a fire and not paying much attention.

They were all by thrones that were in a 'U' shape.

"She is a threat to us all! Why give her more power?!" Mr D screamed over the other gods' voices.

"She is just a girl! What harm could she cause?!" An extremely beautiful goddess screamed at him.

"QUIET!" A god at the center of the 'U' demanded, everyone silencing.

He had a lightning bolt in his hand that radiated power.

"We shall act maturely about this. Whomever believes we should give them to her say I." He stated.

"I!" My mother, Apollo, the beautiful goddess, a god that looked like Connor and Travis, a goddess that reminded me of Annabeth, an ugly god, a goddess that was holding some wheat, and a god that looked similar to Percy shouted in unison. The goddess by the fire mumbled an 'I' and stared back into the fire.

"Those against giving them to her say no." The lightning bolt god spoke.

The 5 other gods and goddesses said no and were over ruled.

"We shall give them to her tomorrow. Hephaestus, please make a charm bracelet to hold them all and please add her weapons to it as well." The powerful lightning god asked the ugly god.

The huge, buff, ugly god hurried away, his creaking steel brace loud as scratching nails on a chalk board.

The image started to fade away and I felt my body being shaken softly.

I ignored it and cuddled my blanket.

"Thalia! She won't get up!" Ivy's voice screamed.

"Jump on top of her or something." Thalia replied.

I groaned once I felt Ivy's body hit mine roughly.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" I shouted.

"It's almost time to play capture the flag! Hurry up and get dressed!" Thalia screamed and I jumped out of bed, her tone very serious.

I ran to my closet, grabbed my camp short and jeans, and threw them on quickly. Thalia tossed me my armor and I strapped it on as we walked towards the woods, where all the other campers were standing in armor.

I noticed Nico in the shadows staring at me and I locked our gaze together. He stared into my eyes and I saw them glisten.

'Is he crying?' I wondered.

I sent him a concerned look and he shook his head before looking down.

I sighed and looked over at Thalia.

She was talking to a hunter, Sierra I think, about where her position would be. She met my stare and strolled over to me.

"Hey Charlotte, you're going to be guarding to flag with me since I've heard how great you did last game." She spoke, a smirk plastered on her face.

I nodded and stared at my bow while Chiron stated to rules. I didn't notice that someone said my name until Thalia elbowed me hard in the ribs.

"What?!" I questioned loud in an annoyed tone.

My eyes widened when I noticed it was Chiron who called me.

"Sorry sir, what do you need?" I apologized.

Charlotte SmithWhere stories live. Discover now