I Meet a Crazy Klutz

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I opened my eyes and was in a forest with my mother.

"Hello Charlotte." She greeted in a serious tone.

"Sup?" I muttered as I played with my fingers.

She sighed and began "I am not here to lecture you or anything, I'm just here to give you a gift from all of the gods. I knew you saw our fight, so I'm here to just give you your gift and go. But Charlotte, please just listen to the Hunters. You know how bad I will look if my own daughter didn't want to be a hunter?"

My mouth dropped to the floor and I glared at her.

"You can not be serious! How bad I make YOU look?! It's MY life! Not your's!" I shouted before continuing "Just give me my gift so I can wake up and not want to hurt you."

She laughed dryly and replied "I am a GODDESS, I doubt you could hurt me. Anyways, here is your gift."

She handed me a silver charm bracelet with 20 charms on it. I studied each one and saw that 14 of them represented a god or goddess.

"Each charm holds a power from a god. Zeus' charm, the lightning bolt, gives you the power to fly, mentally or physically control lightning, and to control thunder. Hera's charm, the peacock feather, gives you the power to turn any one person into an animal and back to themselves. Poseidon's charm, the seahorse, gives you the power to control water, breathe under water, and you can heal yourself with water. Hades' charm, the ghost, gives you the power to shadow travel, summon skeleton armies, and speak to ghosts. Aphrodite's charm, the dove, gives you the power to charm speak, and to change your appearance. Apollo's charm, the music note, gives you the power to heal yourself and others, to sing beautifully which can also calm creatures, and to bend and control light. Ares' charm, the arrowhead, gives you the power to know everything about a weapon when you see it and to control feelings of war. My charm, the arrow, gives you the power to camouflage into every surrounding, you can see perfectly in the dark, you can control moonlight, and you already have the power to talk to animals, turn into animals, shoot perfectly, and control animals. Athena's charm, the owl, gives you the power to know people's weak points and to strategize plans easily. Hephaestus' charm, the hammer, gives you the power to be immune to fire, be able to control fire, and be amazing at creating things or tinkering. Hestia's charm, the flame, gives you the power to make people feel homesick or to keep the from feeling homesick and to bring peace to a situation. Hermes' charm, the caduceus, gives you the power to steal something without being caught, to unlock locks, and to know any curse that was put onto a lock. Demeter's charm, the wheat, gives you the power to control plants. Dionysus' charm, the wine glass, gives you the power to create madness or cure it." She huffed at the long speech.

I stifled a small laugh and questioned "What about the bow with an arrow, sword, small dagger, spear, shield, and knife?"

She sighed and replied "They are your weapons that you usually would summon. After you use each power or weapon, you will get a permanent marking on your back of each charm. When you have used every charm, you will no longer need to wear the bracelet and you can then summon each godly power on your own."

I grinned and almost hugged my Mom.

I shyly asked "Could you help me put it on please?"

She came over to me quickly and I gave her the bracelet. She clicked it onto my wrist and slowly hugged me.

I flinched and stiffly hugged her back.

She can't just demand me to join the Hunters to make her look good!

She sighed and departed from the awkward hug.

She then whispered "I must go now. Please choose wisely!"

Charlotte SmithWhere stories live. Discover now