I'm Known as the Mistake

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Everyone stared at me in awe while the stag faded away. The tension in the room was so thick that you could cut a knife through it.

Chiron then stated "Um... Connor and Travis. Please escort Charlotte to her cabin. I will ask the gods about this. Everyone else, please go back to your days and do not tell anyone else about this until we are certain."

Everyone nodded, but continued to stare at me. It started to make me really uncomfortable so I quickly ran out of the Big House.

Even though I expected it, people look at me like I shouldn't be here.

I heard Connor and Travis hurry towards me, but I just hoped they didn't think I was a mistake like the others. They both ran in front of me, making me stop.

They both gave me a genuine smile and wrapped me in a hug. For once, I immediately hugged back because I really needed it.

We strolled to the Hermes cabin and grabbed my clothes, notepad, and pen. They lead me to a cabin that looks pretty normal.

Connor then spoke "This is it. Cabin 8, Artemis. I'm so surprised that Artemis broke her oath, she was so driven to it."

I sighed and replied "Yeah. I wonder why she claimed me if she is so loyal to it. Why would she let everyone know?"

We all walked in and I was about to set my stuff down on the perfectly made bed. Though, something was there that made me almost drop everything.

Sitting there was Artemis herself.

Connor and Travis stared wide eyed before they quickly kneeled toward her.

"Boys. Leave. I would like to speak with my daughter." She demanded.

The twins immediately left and my mother stood up. I set my stuff down and stared at her.

She looked exactly like she did in my dream. Though she looked a little younger in my dreams. I understand what my father meant when he said I looked like her.

My mother walked toward me and stood in front of me.

"You have grown beautifully Charlotte. You probably have many questions for me." Artemis spoke.

I nodded my head and and took a deep breath.

"Why did you have me? Am I a mistake?" I asked. My mother's eyes widened before she shook her head.

"No dear. You were not a mistake. I'm proud to call you my daughter. Though I did not plan to be a mother. When I met your father, he was so brave. When I threatened to kill him when he said I was beautiful, he said he would die for me. I had a good friendship with him and before I knew it, I was in love with him. I was willing to stop being a virgin goddess for him. Though, Zeus was very angry that I had broken my oath like the other goddesses. He was about to forbid me to ever see your father again. That was when you were born. You were born so differently. Me and your father wanted so badly to have a symbol of our love together. You were flown to me by a eagle, you landed in my arms in front of Zeus. He was shocked and I quickly left him. I stayed with you and your father until you were about 5 years old. Zeus forced me to leave since the other gods were getting suspicious and I was becoming mortal. I watched over you though, making sure you were safe. I love you very much Charlotte." My mother explained.

I took all of this in and questioned "Then how are you here right now?"

Artemis warmly smiled and answered "I practically begged Zeus and he gave me permission. I'm sending my hunters here to meet you as well. They will be thrilled or angry. Let's hope for the best."

I laughed and hesitantly hugged my mother. She was startled by this since I rarely hug people though she wrapped her arms around me in return.

She stepped back and spoke "I have to leave now, Zeus is getting antsy."

Thunder boomed and Artemis rolled her eyes. I smiled and my mother flashed away with a bright light.

I went for bed and for once, I had a dreamless sleep.

I was okay for the week and didn't get that much of a hassle. Apparently, Drew spilled about who my mom was to a few campers so now practically half the camp knows.

I mostly stayed in my cabin for the week though. Kiely, Gina, Connor, Travis, and Percy all tried to get me out.

I just ignored them and kept quiet. It was Friday when I finally got out.

Annabeth came and forced me out of my cabin. She made me go to all of my activities and didn't let me go back into my cabin at all.

I decided that I underestimated her and that we could be really great friends.

I was in the arena when the horn for dinner blew and I walked out of my cabin.

People stared at me and whispered while pointing at my direction.

I sighed while making my way towards dinner. I sat at the Artemis table and silently received my food.

I gave most of it to my mom and ate my small serving.

Once I was finished, Kiely and Gina sat on both sides of me while placing some more food on my plate.

"You are not eating just that. If you're going to play capture the flag then you're going to need to get your energy. Now eat." Gina demanded.

I groaned and ate the food. They both grinned and quickly went back to their table when Chiron stomped his hoof.

Mr. D spoke "It seems our camper that came Monday has been claimed. Carly Smoke? Come here girl."

I slowly stood up and walked towards him. "It's Char-" I was about to say before he interrupted.

"Yeah, I don't care. So she is daughter of Artemis."

There were a few gasps and a few people laughed.

I gasped when a big piece of meat hit me on my stomach. It was scorching hot and I crouched over in pain.

"She's just a mistake! She should just die!" A voice yelled. I knew immediately that it was the Hephaestus girl from the arena.

Connor and Travis helped me up and I made them leave so I could show I'm not weak.

"Blaire! Cleaning the stables for 2 weeks!" Chiron angrily yelled.

I heard a loud growl and an ear splitting scream. I then noticed the large white wolf in front of me.

"She's trying to kill me! She's telling it to hurt me!" Blaire screamed.

I rolled my eyes and slowly walked towards the wolf. "Please, stop. There is no need to feel threatened." I calmly spoke.

The canine turned towards me and it relaxed.

"I am Luna. Sorry Charlotte Smith. She hurt you and you are the daughter of Lady Artemis. All animals protect you at all cost. I will leave now.' The wolf spoke, though I obviously was the only one who understand.

"I am fine, thank you for your protection. I hope to see you again some time Luna." I replied. The gorgeous wolf sprinted away and I grinned.

I looked up at Chiron and spoke "Are we playing Capture the Flag or not?"

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