The 3:10 to Central City

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The constant shaking was something Oliver hadn't been able to adjust to, not that it was bothering him but instead distracting him from the nap that Felicity had insisted on him taking during their trip. Even though he knew that he would never be able to fall asleep during their ride to Central City, he attempted to please Felicity by atleast trying. He blew out a loud sigh as he readjusted his sleeping position, trying to find a comfortable resting spot for his head against the seat. Unfortunately the train from Starling to Central City didn't offer private cars or much in the way of VIP seating, although Felicity assured Oliver that she had booked them for such. The only difference Oliver noticed between the seating was that the VIP section seemed to have slightly larger gaps between seats than the other cars. He glanced to his right and found Felicity working diligently on her tablet with ear buds blocking out the rattle of the train, to a certain extent Oliver imagined. She quickly tapped a few commands onto the screen and paused while the order was processed, using the oppurtunity to brush a loose strand of hair out of her face and behind her ear. Oliver watched with the utmost attention to detail as the golden lock of hair tucked perfectly behind her ear, continuing to bounce with the train car. Felicity sensed Oliver's eyes upon her as she looked away from her work and met Oliver's entranced stare. She couldn't help but smile as she began.

"So much for getting some rest on the way." Oliver passed an innocent expression to her as he tried his best to convey an apologetic look with his eyes that begged for forgiveness. Felicity instantly forgave him as she took in his charming reaction to her playful scolding.

"Fair warning, the puppy dog eyes will not work on everything." She stated as she leaned over the armrest seperating the two of them and kissed him.

"Hasn't failed me yet." Oliver replied as he straightened his posture and checked around the car before continuing.

"So, is everything ready for our arrival?" He asked, glancing out the window to guess at how close they were.

"Yes. We have reservations at the Marigold Hotel, I've secured our invitations to the Stellemoore ball, and I even double checked the security at our home away from home." Felicity explained, her tone proud and confident.

"Have I ever told you how lost I'd be without you?" Oliver proudly asked, silently remarking at how amazing Felicity was.

"No need. It's pretty obvious." She playfully responded as she grabbed ahold of his hand, interlocking her fingers with his. Oliver smiled as he gripped her hand and looked lovingly into her eyes, inching closer to her as he began.

"Well, I wouldn't go that far."

"Mmm, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that one." Felicity said as she moved closer to him. Within a split second a gust of window rushed into the two of them, Felicity's hair blew back from the sudden breeze as Oliver instinctively pulled a knife from his belt as he angled himself to protect Felicity from the unknown threat. Sitting across from them was Barry Allen, one leg resting on his knee with a wide smile on his face. Oliver relaxed as he quickly returned his weapon to his belt while moving back to his seat.

"Hey guys." Barry began, his smile still hanging on his face.

"Hi Barry." Felicity tentatively replied, unsure how Oliver would react.

"You told Barry we were coming to Central City?" Oliver asked as he turned toward Felicity, doing his best to remain calm.

"I mentioned that we might be stopping by." Felicity answered, doing her best to remain as innocent as possible. Oliver released a silent sigh of anger as he glared at her, upset at the idea of putting another friend in danger at the hands of Slade.

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