Not Fast Enough

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The thought of Cisco and Dr. Wells being alone with Slade brought a twisting feeling to Oliver's stomach as he feared what the madman had planned for his defenseless friends. A string of curse words bounced around his mind as he chastised himself for leaving them undefended during such a dangerous time. An anxious feeling took over his body as he planned his next move, hoping that Barry would still be in the room when he looked up next. Oliver's eyes broke away from Drakon and his self-absorbed story and found Barry standing beside Felicity, every fiber in his being aching to be unleashed in unrivaled speed that could save his friends.

"We need to leave now." Barry calmly ordered as he uneasily glanced around, judging whether or not he could risk an abrupt exit from the banquet. Oliver nodded to him, knowing that there was no way he would stop the young hero from diving into a deadly situation but hoping he could atleast delay him for another moment. Drakon continued with his bland tale of business ethics and tricks as Oliver politely interupted him.

"Excuse me, an urgent matter requires my attention." Oliver smiled as he quickly moved away from the Stellemoore CEO with Caitlin close behind. Drakon passed an understanding nod as the two moved off, watching them closely as he sipped from his glass. Felicity did her best to focus on her task as the thought of Wells and Cisco under threat from Slade loomed over her head, complicating things.

"Let's move." Oliver instantly began as he reached the two, driving Barry to waste no time as he turned to leave. Caitlin quickly grabbed ahold of his shoulder to stop him as he worried eyes drank him in. Barry slightly staggered as he turned to her and awaited her reasoning.

"Just be careful." She managed to say, holding all other feelings and words back for a proper time. Barry nodded and assured her with a determined gaze before moving off down the hall. Felicity snatched onto Oliver's arm and nervously looked to him.

"I guess it goes without saying, but I will kill you if you don't come back alive." She said, bringing a smirk to Oliver's face before he leaned in and kissed her. The two found solace in each others embrace for the brief moment, giving them the strength and focus to continue on their tasks once they pulled away from one another. Oliver quickly caught up to his impatient partner as the two moved straight toward their stashed gear. As a precaution, Oliver had hidden their respective suits and equipment in a nearby vacant room in the case that Slade would attack the banquet.

"Is the door locked?" Barry asked as he moved down the hallway toward their destination.

"No but," Oliver began as Barry dissapeared in a streak of red leaving a gust of wind and static electricity in the hall where he had been standing. A moment later and the Flash stood waiting beside the door, fully dressed in his suit and ready to move. Oliver sighed as he moved past Barry and finished.

"Wait for me, we'll take him together." Barry nodded as Oliver entered the room while removing his jacket and tie.

The static filled camera feeds clogged the computer screen as Cisco frantically fought to activate any type of defense system he could. After a few metahumans had escaped the prison below them, the team thought it best to setup some sort of protective failsafe incase it happened again. Cisco typed in a few commands only receive another error message on the monitor, causing him to throw his fists onto the desktop beside him.

"He cut the power supply to the Hypno-Sprinklers too." Cisco stated as he glanced over to Dr. Wells with a concerned expression. The live feed of Slade moving through the facility played before Dr. Wells as he watched closely, studying the mans current path.

"Somethings wrong." Dr. Wells muttered as he watched the monitor, thinking deeply to himself.

"That's a bit of an understatement." Cisco corrected as he searched through the system for anything that could assist them. Dr. Wells shrugged off his young assistants agitated comment and overwhelming sense of fear as he focused on determining Slade's true intentions for his intrusion. The man had no trouble bypassing and disabling the security systems, but he had still been detected before he reached the two unaware targets within the building. Any previous knowledge of Slade Wilson indicated that he didn't make mistakes very often, especially when he was driven by a cause he truely believed in. The facts quickly stacked to an unwanted conclusion as Dr. Wells leaned away from the monitor and began.

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