🏠lets go home🏠

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You woke up in bedroom alone, the last thing you remember is being in huggy wuggys arms. You stand up and try looking around for a door a widow or something before huggy finds you trying to find a way out. You looked up above you and saw a vent but it was to high for you to get. While you where looking up at the vent it started to shake, you ran to the bed and cover yourself up to make you look like your sleeping. You turned over and close your eyes, you hired a loud thump right behind you. You hired foot steps come closer and closer to you, you started to become scared. You feel a hand on your shoulder "m-mom.. Are you ok..? " it was huggy. 'Should I answer? ' you thought in ur head. "Mom please wake up... " you hire huggy said. You decide to get up, you sat up and looked up at him, "m-mom" huggy said with a shake voice. "My baby" as soon as you said that he hugged you, you started to cry and so did he "I thought you forgot me.. " he says while still crying. "No baby, I would never forget you , your my baby" you said as you looked at him. "Looked how big you have grown" you said as looked at him. "You have grown so much since I have last saw you" you said. "You don't think I look like a freak..? " he says as he looks at the floor. "Of course not, why would I say that? " you said. "Cuz when you left that was everyone called me... " he said in a low voice. "Oh you poor baby..." you said in a sad tone. "When was the last time you ate, you look so skinny" you said "I don't know... I never ate much after you left... " he said. "My poor baby, they didn't treat you right while I was gone.. " you said. "Will your coming home with me" you said. "Huh?" Huggy said. "Your coming home with me" you said "r-really?! " huggy said in surprise. "Mhm, now how do we get out of here? " you asked huggy. "The vent up above us" huggy said. "I can't get up there" you said. "I can" huggy said as he lift himself up to go in the vent. "Grab my hands" huggy said. You jumped to grab his hands to pull you up to the vents. "Thx you honey" you said. As you follow behind him. While you guys where going around in the vents you guys started talking and all that good stuff.

~Time skip~

"Here we are" you said as you where at the front door. You walked out to your car but you turned around and see huggy still in the factory. "You ok honey? " you said. "Y-ya, I'm coming" he said as he trys to get in the car.

"We're going home"

huggy wuggy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now