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"Hey, wait up!", I called to Sara, who was running up the stairs to the astronomy tower in a hurry. 

"Come on then, we're gonna be late!", she called back. 

I took a deep breath and run after her. She was right, of course, we were late. But that was ok, Professor Trelawney, the astrology teacher, did often not even notice when someone was missing, and a lot of the students were late to her classes. Not that she wouldn't mind. She took it personally, really, when someone didn't like her subject. But often she was just so engaged with some fortunetelling, that she just didn't notice the world around her.

Sara did like her, though, and I did too. She wasn't my favorite teacher, but she was cute and I liked astrology. It was just intriguing to be able to see the future. However, I wasn't bothered to hurt myself while running up stairs, so I had wanted to take it slowly. Of course, not Sara's plan.

Finally, I had reached to the top of the stairs. The others had already gone inside and taken their seats. I sat beside Sara, as always, and opened my book. So, reading tea leaves it would be today. I guess it should be fine, I thought.


I didn't actually see anything in the tea, but it was fun and I enjoyed this. Just as the professor was about to take Sara's cup and read her leaves, it knocked on the door.

"Huh, who... who's there? Come on in please", said poor Professor Trelawney, as she had jumped a little when the loud knocks were heard.

The door opened slowly, but steadily, and in floated a peculiar person. And yes, I said floated, because it really looked like she did. The girl had white blonde and curly long hair and a beautiful face and wore an old looking wool cardigan, beneath it a rose pink shirt with "Look out for nargles" printed onto it, a greenish skirt and mulitcoloured leggins. Her shoes were the only clothing, that actually fitted the dressing rules. With her, she had a special aura. I couldn't describe it, there was just something about her...

"Professor, I would like to ask you a question", she said, with a high but cute voice, "How would you interpret this?"

She held up a piece of paper, apparently with a small sketch scribbled on it. Her eyes were of a sparkling silver and very big. Perfect to stare at people. Which she did now, stare at the professor and apparently waiting for and answer. 

"Luna, why do you disturb me in class, these are fourth graders! You have only lesson tomorrow!", was Trelawneys reply. But she didn't seem annoyed. Rather happy, actually, about Luna's appearance, even if she told the opposite.

"Oh, I didn't notice!", came Luna's dreamy voice. She looked around her for the first time and caught my eyes. It seemed like a little too long a look she gave me. It felt like she was seeing right through me, and looking deep into my soul. I finally cast my gaze down to the floor and broke the eye contact. What had that been about? Why had my stomach done this strange nervous-ish flip?

"I see", Luna said, "I'm sorry to interrupt, shall I come back later?", she asked with a polite voice, watching me from the corner of her eye. 

"...Yes, yes I think so, yes. But do come, what you have drawn there is highly interesting. And of course", she turned to the whole class, "it is very welcome to spend some of your freetime on Divination, as Luna here. She is one year beneath you but has so much potential, and she is very dedicated to the subject. As I would wish from all of you!"

She gave some of the others a stern look in the eyes, then put a hand on Luna's shoulder and led her to the door. While the professor opened the door, Luna looked back at me once, then turned around and floated down the stairs, just as she had come, and was gone.

Watch out for Nargles! (a Luna Lovegood fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now