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"Hey!", I said to Luna, as she walked past me in the corridor. "How are you? Not been too tired today?"

She smiled, and it was heartwarming.

"Hi Elly! I feel very good today! Yesterday was so much fun with you, I couldn't be tired when I thought of it!", she reached out to tug at something in my hair. "You've got a knot in here, let me help you."

She nestled her fingers into my hair and started to untangle it. I took notice of how close she was, and my heart started beating faster. We were all alone here, I was aware of now. What if...? What if I just pulled her even closer?

Before she could finish with my hair, I hugged her tight and pulled her towards me. She seemed surprised at first, but then hugged me back.

"Hey, you okay?", she asked.

"Yes, you are just so beautiful, I couldn't help myself", came out of my mouth. It was true though, but nothing you could say to normal people. Anyway, Luna was nothing normal, she was the most special and precious creature on earth, and she deserved these words.

"Thanks, that's really nice of you! You know, you are very beautiful too! Sometimes I wonder why I haven't kissed you yet", she replied.

This shocked me quite a bit. She had ... thought of it? It was a so Luna-like thing to say, so straight forward, yet it had surprised me. Because I hadn't thought that she felt the same.

"Well, I don't stop you", I whispered, my mouth suddenly very close to hers.

"Oh, well then...", she said, then kissed me.

Wow, was the only thought that came to mind. I put my hands around her and kissed her back. She tasted so much like flowers and peaches and chocolate and Luna that I felt a bit dizzy. So good, she felt so good. And being kissed by her was the most precious gift I had ever received. I never wanted this to stop.

After what felt like an hour, we broke apart. Luna took a step back and looked at me with gleaming eyes.

"You are still beautiful", she told me then.

I giggled. It was just a little bit funny that we had just kissed in a school corridor. I mean, teachers could have walked upon us, or students, or ghosts. Or Ms. Norris. Suddenly the blood left my face.

"Luna, we're going to get into trouble."

"What, why? Kissing is not forbidden!", she said accusingly.

I pointed behind her. A big grey cat sat there, staring at us. It tilted its head, then slowly stood up and walked proudly down the corridor. Then it was gone.

"Oh no, she's gonna report us, isn't she?", Luna said with a hint of anxiety in her voice.

"She must be. What else would she do up here?", I asked back. "But Filch can't punish us for this, a lot of people are kissing, why shouldn't we be allowed to?"

Luna closed her eyes once, then opened them again. They were very big and very silver.

"You know we are girls, right?", she said. I knew it of course, but it shouldn't matter. I stroked her hair with my fingers.

"Let's get away from here and go get lunch. You wanna sit with me and Sara?"


"Hey Elly! Oh, hi Luna!", Sara called, as soon as she spotted me. We sat down opposite from her and next to each other. I made sure our legs touched under the table. "I feel so much better now than this morning! This nap has really done me well!"

I agreed, then explained to Luna what we were talking about. She laughed, when I had reached the point of Barrow in Defence Against The Dark Arts Class. Sara was watching us. She had a little smile on her face that I couldn't quite place.

"Luna", she said. "Do you want to join us tonight at the Halloween Party?"

My jaw dropped. I knew of course that Sara had changed her mind about Luna, but this was a big step. I smiled at her thankfully.

"Oh, if I don't annoy you I'd love to!", Luna replied. She looked thoroughly happy. I touched her foot with mine.

"Why would you annoy us? It'll be so much fun! But now, let's talk costumes. Elly, what are you gonna wear?"

This was Saras favourite topic. She went on and on about Halloween costumes and made suggestions for both me and Luna that I at some point couldn't follow her anymore.

"Elly, is that ok for you?", she asked, and both she and Luna looked questionably at me.

"Erm, yes sure", I said, "whatever it is I just agreed to." The last part I said to myself but Luna had of course heard me.

"We're gonna be angel and devil! You'll be the devil!", she anounced and laughed.

"Oh, erm ok I guess? But I don't have any costumes?"

"Don't worry", Sara said. "We'll fix something for you. You'll be so cute together!"

Cute seemed rather the wrong word. Did Sara know? 

Watch out for Nargles! (a Luna Lovegood fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now