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"What was this girl doing?", Sara asked, as soon as we arrived in our dorm rooms. We were both in Hufflepuff, so our dorm rooms were behind the kitchens. In our first year at Hogwarts, we had happened to share a room, and since then, we were besties. 

"You mean Luna?"

"Yes, of course, whom else? Did you see her outfit? I mean, she certainly doesn't have much of a style."

But since fourth grade, which has only lasted for some weeks, she had started to change and become very annoying sometimes. Like now, when the only thing she was thinking about, was clothing and style.

"I thought it was nice. But what was she doing up there though?", I replied innocently. I didn't say, that I still her her image before my inner eye and was currently ranking her looks 10 out of 10.

"Nice pfh. But whatever! She seems a strange girl, some say she is a bit crazy in the head."

"Why do you even care? Stop talking about things you don't know anything of. Just leave her alone!"

I didn't know why I suddenly burst out angrily after her comment. And this was a rare occasion. I was never mad at someone, unless they really did or said something upsetting. 

"Whoa, calm down Elly! I didn't mean this in a harmful way. I just objectively told you what I've heard from others."

She turned around and started chatting to some friends over by the fireplace. Fine, just leave me while the argument is still hanging in the air. I decided to do my spells homework, then head off to bed.


That night I had a strange dream. I was in Defence against the dark arts class with Professor Snape, from all people. He shot curses upon me, and I had to defend myself. But somehow my arm felt paralyzed and I couldn't move it, even though how much I tried. And the given occasion maybe Snape had indeed paralyzed it. Suddenly, out of a large wooden closet floated Luna. Around her was a bright glow and she came up to me, took my forearms with her hands and cast the spells back at Snape. The next jinx backfired at once. Somehow, the picture blurred and all I could see was Lunas hands on my forearms. They burnt like fire. Then I woke up.

In the morning I was really tired. The dream still circulated in my brain and I thought of this strange but beautiful girl that had caught my head. Through lessons, I listened less than I used to. What had that dream meant? I mean, Professor Trelawney always told us, dreams had a meaning, and certainly this one had. If I just knew, which!

It was like fate decided to show up today, because coincidentaly I walked into Luna on my way to lunch.

"Hey, how are you?", I asked. What I hadn't thought of, was, that she didn't even know who I was.

"Who are you?", she asked back, not offended at all, just curious, with her high-pitched singing voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Elly, I was in the Divination class you ran into yesterday. Sorry I didn't tell you before. And sorry for stopping you in the hall like this. I should probably go...", I felt so stupid and was so ashamed of myself. My words didn't even come out of my mouth clearly anymore. What the h*** was going on with me?

„No, don't be, I'd love to talk to you! Wanna join me for lunch? I'm all alone anyway."

Shit, she was asking me to join her, should I? Or not, because Sara was waiting at the other table. But she looked happy right now, with lots of girls around her, friends. So, maybe I could accept the offer? And I really wanted to.

"Ok, why not. I'll join you!"

Watch out for Nargles! (a Luna Lovegood fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now