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Did she?

I tried to catch her eye, but she avoided mine, and talked more enthusiastically to Luna. I did like her sudden change of view about Luna, and I liked it a lot that they got along really well by now, but I did not like the thought of her knowing what I felt for Luna. By now, I was almost sure I had fallen a little bit in love with her. And it seemed Luna had too.

However, all my thoughts were interrupted by a loud voice, embracing us from behind. Sara had aparently already seen the source of it, but didn't seem too bothered.

"Miss Graves, Miss Lovegood, may I talk to you two in my office for a bit, please?"

I turned around and saw Professor Sprout, my Head of House, and Filch standing behind her, grinning hugely. Oh no! So Ms. Norris had indeed spied upon us.

"Of course", I answered, head down. Luna did the same.

"Why, what have they done?", Sara asked. I looked horrified at Professor Sprout. Would she tell her?

"It's none of your business, Miss Albans. Please, finish your lunch, your friends will be waiting for you later. I mean, Miss Graves will. Have a nice afternoon!", the teacher replied sternly. Sara seemed confused, but it was clear that she could not argue. I was just afraid of what I would have to tell her later.

"Please follow me, ladies."

Professor Sprout walked off, with Filch on her heels. Luna and me followed her, our heads down and both dreading what would follow next.

"She can't punish us", Luna whispered. Filch shot her a look and she quietened at once. I didn't say anything.

We were led to an empty classroom at the end of the entrance hall. The teacher opened the door and gestured for us to follow her in. 

"Now, I've got something to talk to you about! Mr. Filch reported to me, that you were seen in an empty hallway, being not quite appropriate. I need to discuss a few things on this matter, now Mr. Filch. Thank you for informing me, but I need you to please leave us now, and I will deal with this on my own", she announced. 

Mr. Filch looked like he wanted to argue, but the professor gave him a very stern look, so he turned around and left the classroom. Professor Sprout turned to us.

"Please take a seat!", she said. "I think you both know what Mr. Filch has reported to me. And I guess by your anxious faces that you think I'll reprimand you. But don't worry. I really don't care, I just needed Mr. Filch to think that I did, because he would have told the Headmaster otherwise. And I figured you didn't want that, am I right?"

She looked at us with a kind smile plastered on her face. We both looked back at her, nodding slowly. This wasn't at all what I had expected.

"I just want to give you a little advise: Maybe it would be better for you two, if you don't repeat what you did where someone can see you."

Now she had a little glister in her eyes. What was that? Had she just said that all we needed to do was to be sneaky about it?

"Thank you, Professor!", Luna finally replied. She looked as surprised as I felt. 

"Nothing to thank for! And Miss Lovegood?", she turned to Luna, "I don't think we must inform Professor Flitwick about this, do you?"

"Oh, certainly not. I wouldn't like it much if he interfered in this matter!", Luna responded relieved. 

Professor Sprout gave us another smile, then went to open the door and let us go. We headed around the corner, out of view from her and the rest of the students, who were in the Great Hall. We just wanted to talk a little bit, before we needed too go to our common rooms.

"So, that went not as we thought, did it?", I asked her.

"No, but Professor Sprout is very nice. I rather like her!", Luna said. She looked at me with her big silver eyes, playing puppy. "We'll meet in the entrance hall again tonight, right? Don't forget your costume, I'll be a sad angel otherwise, and you wouldn't want that, do you?"

"I'll remember it", I promised, grinning. "Well, till later then!"

We parted ways, her going up the main staircase, me walking down the corridor to the kitchen quarters. I was a bit nervous, because now came the time to talk to Sara. I shot a last glance back to the staircase, but Luna had already disappeared.

Watch out for Nargles! (a Luna Lovegood fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now