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Todays party was even more crowded than yesterday. All the younger students, that hadn't been interested in meeting the Beauxbaton and Durmstrang guests and thus hadn't come then, were here tonight, to celebrate Halloween. Everywhere were people in costumes, some not even recognisable. I saw a few vampires, like Sara, dragons, elves, dwarfs, giants, monsters, dark wizards and witches (a bit ironic, that was), fairies and the list went on. But some boring students hadn't bothered to come up with anything at all. Like Harry Potter. I spotted him in the hall, talking to his redhaired friend, whose name I forgot, and to Hermione. Fred and George were there, too, dressed up like a pair of mummies. Just their eyes were seen under the binding. I thought it rather hilarious.

Sara's friends turned up, all dressed up like beautiful vampires. They seemed to have spoken about it before, because they looked quite alike. I felt a little left out under these circumstances, but luckily, Luna appeared in that moment too.

She wore a beautiful white dress, with small wings attached to it on her back. On her head was a shining white tiara, that really made her look like an angel. Which she was.

"Luna!", I called to her over the noise. "You look so beautiful! That costume thing was a good idea of Sara's and yours."

"Yes, I rather like it too!", she answered, taking my hand. "Come on, let's go inside!"

I turned to Sara, but she was in deep conversation with one of her friends, and not listening to me. So I decided we could just go alone. Dragging Luna behind me, I entered the Great Hall and was instantly astonished at how cool it looked. The staff had done a great job! 

On the walls hung torches, that lightened up the Hall, but gave it a mysterious touch. Red and orange drapes hovered in the air above, and pumpkins stood everywhere, with living candles inside them. I supposed, that the younger students have made them in arts class, because they all looked different, some really scary, some funny. 

But the most cool thing was the Goblet of Fire. It stood in the front of the Hall, shimmering golden and bright. I hadn't seen it before, because I couldn't throw my name in anyway, so I gave it a proper look. However, the participants would only be announced later, now was party-time!

I realised that Luna and I were still holding hands. It was very nice though, so I kept holding her anyways. Luna laughed her cute little laugh, that sounded like bell-ringing. She really was an angel tonight! And as devil, I thought I should dare to be a little brave. Therefore, I put my hands around her from behind, having to let go of her hand, and held her tight. She tried to free herself and wiggled around, but as devil as I was I had a good hold of her and didn't let go.

"Where do you think you are going?", I asked amused. "You don't think I let you go any time soon, do you?"

I chuckled at my own recklessness. Luna giggled like she were a little girl, which she basically was in my embrace. I swirled her around, so that I could look into her eyes, then drew her with me to an empty seat at the Hufflepuff table. I pushed her down on it, then sat beside her. 

"Maybe I'll let you eat though!", I chuckled.

She smiled brightly at me, then began with her obligatory pumpkin soup. I started eating too. The table was full of delicious food, decorated and shaped as Halloween things. My plate was currently full with a pumpkin pie, that had a skeleton painted on it. Suddenly I saw small cherries, that looked like eyes. A bit creepy, but whatever. I took one and turned to Luna. 

"Hey, Luna! Open your mouth!", I demanded.

She obeyed and I put the cherry in her mouth. By her look it was quite sour. I laughed. 

"Oh, don't think you'll get away with this!", she said then, and took a cherry herself. "Here, have one!"

And she put the cherry in my mouth, as I had done before. It really was sour, but tasted good. We laughed. 

Watch out for Nargles! (a Luna Lovegood fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now