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The upcoming weekend was Halloween, and the general athmosphere was loaded with excitement and joy. Because it wasn't just the gigantic party everyone was waiting for. On that same evening would the Goblet of fire proclaim the participants of the Triwizard Tournament. And tomorrow evening they would arrive. So there was a lot to talk about in the halls and dorms, and the professors couldn't quite handle the exited kids, that weren't attentive in class. Just Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape still gained some sort of respect and their lessons were the quietest at Hogwarts this week.

Sara had talked to me again, the evening after I hadn't joined her for lunch. She didn't mention the fight again, just pretended everything was fine and I did the same. I didn't have the energy to start that discussion up again, even though I knew it wasn't over, but right now, a temporary armistice was what we both needed. We did want to gossip about the Tournament, so we needed to talk to each other again.

Luna I hadn't seen all week, just said Hi in the hallways, but she seemed fine, and when we did talk a few words we found a conversation topic easily. But as I said, nothing more than that.

"Who do you think will take part in the Tournament?", Sara asked over dinner the 29th of October.

"It wouldn't surprise me if the Weasley twins tried to throw their names into the Goblet. But honestly, maybe this bragger Diggory. Everyone seems to think he'll enter the competition", I answered, when I had swallowed my piece of vegetable pie. 

"I don't think he's a bragger. He's just a smart and brave guy, so I understand why he should be competing", Sara replied.

"I don't really like him, but whatever. Do you think Harry Potter will manage to gain all the attention again and throw his name in, too?", I asked. We were in the same grade as the Potter boy, but at Hufflepuf, the general opinion about him was, that he just wanted attention. Ok, he'd done some cool and brave stuff the years before, but really, he wasn't even nice to everyone, as one would expect from a hero. So, nope, no hero he was, just a normal and stupid teenage boy. I liked Hermione, though. She was in my muggle studies class and was really nice. And smart of course. 

"Oh of course. He manages every year. It wouldn't surprise me at all, if the Goblet of Fire decided it was he who should participate in the Tournament. Let's hope not, other students should also get a chance." 

Sara took a bite of her maple syrup pancake. I wanted one too, so I strechted my hand out to reach the plate. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my back. I startled and nearly dropped the pancake.

"Oh, don't be scared, it's just me!", a familiar dreamy voice came from behind me.

"Hey, Luna! How nice to see you! How've you been this week?", I burst out. She wore her uniform, rather unexpected, as she used to dress in her own clothes when she wasn't in class.

"It has been very good. I planted new Shrivelfigs with Professor Sprout after herbology class, because she needed help to prepare for her second-year students. Neville Longbottom was there, too. He loves plants. And then he had leaves in his hair."

She laughed and took a seat beside me. Sara lokked a bit annoyed, but soon plastered a fake smile on her face. That was fine for now.

"I came to ask you if you want to go to the welcoming party with me tomorrow?", she added.

I was taken aback. Of course I wanted to go. But Sara had planned for me to go with her and her friends, and she would be upset if I didn't. I couldn't let her down, she'd never come over it if I did.

"I'd love to, but I can't, I'm sorry. I'll go there with Sara and some other friends..."

"And we wanted to spend the evening together!", Sara suddenly entered the conversation. Her face had a mean look on it. It was clear she didn't want Luna to be here, and never would she let her be with us tomorrow evening. Lunas face fell, but then she looked up to me and said:

"Well, I guess I'll be alone then. Don't worry about me, enjoy your dinner."

With those words she left me sitting there on the table and feeling guilty. I followed her walking out of the cafeteria, her long hair swaying with every step she took.

"Phew, thank god I could turn her down. We wouldn't have wanted HER with us tomorrow. It is supposed to be a fun night", Sara said.

"You know what? I'd wanted to spend the evening with her. And maybe I will!"

A sudden thought had crossed my mind, and I stood up.

"I'm going to go after her and tell her I will go with her tomorrow. You go with your friends, have fun!", I threw into her face. 

Then I turned my back to her and without looking back run out of the hall. I needed to find Luna. Where had she gone?

Watch out for Nargles! (a Luna Lovegood fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now