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The air was warm for being Halloween night and the crickets sang still. Without having talked about it we slendered to our spot by the lake. Our spot. That sounded nice, something being OURS. I took her hand and intertwined our fingers. She gave me a heartwarming look with her silver eyes, that seemed to see into the smallest corners of my being, and touched my soul. A nightingale sang, and it sounded like the moonlight itself talked to us. The melodies rised and fell, the wind drawing them out into endlessness. Insects whispered the lyrics, and merpeople responded from the depths of the water.

Luna sat down behind the oak tree and pulled me with her. I lay down my jacket for us to sit on, and she rested her head against my shoulder. Then she looked up at me, her mouth slightly opened, her eyes shimmering with emotion. This sight made my heart beat so much faster and the butterflies went wild in my stomach. I put my arm around her to drag her closer, and my lips found hers. She lent in to me and cupped my face in her hands. My hand was in her hair, so smooth, and the other one resting on her thigh.

We kissed for a very long time. Until the moon stood high on the firmament that was the sky, stars scattered on it like crumbles on a cake. When our lips parted and she lay down her head on my lap, the day had long since passed over its duty to the night.

She looked so peaceful, and I felt her calm transcending into me. In my head, a question was formed. It was connected with a feeling, and a wish, but it was a question still. I didn't know how to ask it or if it would be appropriate to ask. My heart told me yes, my brain was unsure. It lingered between that it should be asked, and that I should wait to do so. Luna seemed to feel my sudden nervousness about said question and caressed my chin with her thumb.

"Luna", I said.

"What is it?"

The air around us was now so quiet I could hear her breathe.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"


I could not hear her sudden intake of breath, her shifting nervously on my lap, her eyes looking everywhere but at mine, her hands letting go of me.

Because she did none of those things. Instead she looked up at me with her big silver eyes, locked them on mine, and said:

"I thought I was already."

Just a statement, but it weighed like two thousand elephants on my chest.

"Oh", I could simply say. Then I looked up at the sky. She followed my gaze.

"See, there's Orion, it's protecting us", she said with her soft voice.

I was born under Orion, so it had always been my protector, now it protected us both. My girlfriend and me. I played with Luna's hair, twirling it with my fingers, tickling her with it. She laughed and the sound floated brightly over the silent lake before us.

"You're my girlfriend", I said.


"Can I call you that always?", I asked.


"Can I kiss you?", I wanted to know.


So I did. Just a short kiss on her lips. But so sacred it felt. I made sure to lay all my emotion in it, and make her feel it. It was like a flow of electricity that connected our lips. But just for a short moment. I didn't want to let my want for her overtake me then. I wanted for her to know, that this was important. It wasn't just any kiss. It was to consolidate our bond. And she understood.

Her gaze rested on the lake again, but she took my hand and held it. I felt so peaceful, so right in this moment, and I had all of it to thank for Luna. She was like my fortress, that kept me alive each day, protecting me and giving me strenght. I never wanted this to stop. 

Watch out for Nargles! (a Luna Lovegood fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now