2- School

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Y/n's pov:
I woke up the next morning at 6:00 am from Dylan dropping a plate on the floor. I jumped up at the noise and looked around. I took a deep breath before slowly climbing out of bed and throwing on a sweatshirt. I walked upstairs to find Dylan on the ground sweeping up the broken plate. "Wow Dylan, looks like you're having a great time today." I say in a sarcastic way. He looks up at me and rolls his eyes before returning his attention to the broom. I check my watch and head back downstairs to get dressed for school. I grab the strap of my backpack and drag it along with me as I walk up the stairs. Seeing it's still very early to head to school, I walk down to the library to get some books. I walk in and head to the books. I pick up a few books and a bookmark. I set them down on the counter as the nice lady behind the desk scans them. I thank her and put the books in my backpack. I check my watch and see it is now 6:30 so I head to the park and start reading one of the books. I look up from my book and I see a few kids playing on the play set, a few adults on a jog, and plenty of birds flying around. It's now 7:15 so I start walking to school. I walk in and see Avery talking to Harper and Isaiah. Avery, Harper, and Isaiah are really the only friends I have at school. I walk up to them and let my head hang. "You alright y/n?" Isaiah said. "I'm fine, I just really don't want to be here." I answered. We stood there in silence for a few seconds before Harper chirped in. "We should go skating after school!" Harper said to break the silence. "Yeah, sure!" I said back. Avery and Isaiah nodded their heads at the idea. We kept talking for a few minutes until we heard the bell ring. We all said goodbye and ran off to our classes. I have math first, it's horrible. The math teacher is rude and never gives you any sympathy. I sat at my desk and set my backpack next to my chair. I looked up to see Mr. Miller staring at me with an angry look on his face. As soon as I saw his face, I slumped down in my chair and got right to work. I heard footsteps coming towards my desk and I shut my eyes tight, hoping I wouldn't get detention for being a little late. The footsteps stopped and I felt him staring down at me. I slowly looked up at him as I opened my eyes. "Y/n, detention. You know why." He blurted out. He walked away from me as I rested my head in my hands before laying my head on the desk. A few boring classes later, it was finally lunch. I grabbed some food and headed over to the table that my friend group sits at. I sat next to Harper as Isaiah and Avery sat on the other side. Isaiah started telling jokes and telling stories from his classes earlier, when I realized Avery was staring at someone. I followed her eyes and saw she was looking at Bella. I stared at Avery in shock and excitement for a few seconds before she noticed me. She realized why I was so excited and she quickly started shaking her head and gave me a death stare. I smirked at her knowing she was trying to tell me she didn't like her. I nodded at her still smirking and she rolled her eyes at me. I turned back to Harper and Isaiah and saw they were both dying of laughter. "What's so funny?" Avery chuckled. Harper tried telling us what they were laughing at but she started laughing again after she said a few words. We stared at them confused until they finally calmed down. "So?" I said. "Nothing." Isaiah said before chucking. "Come on! Just tell us!" Avery said back a bit annoyed. "Bella." Harper said as she smirked at Avery. Avery blushed a little as she rested her head on the table. We all laughed and she looked back up at us. "If you guys tell anyone about this, I will kill you all." She said in a serious tone which just made us all laugh more. Avery hushed us and looked at Isaiah. "So, why were you two laughing so much about me liking Bella?" She asked. Harper and Isaiah looked at each other before turning to Avery. "Well, I mean, she has a boyfriend and is very popular.." Isaiah said. "So you two don't think I have a chance?" Avery said back, looking a little crushed. "Well, it's just that, we don't even know if she likes girls and uhhh.." Harper says as she looks to Isaiah for help. "She's hard to get and in a relationship already. So yeah, you kinda don't have a chance." Isaiah said. "Wow, thanks for being supportive." Avery said as she playfully rolled her eyes and smiled. Harper and Isaiah started laughing, and i just stared at Avery. Avery noticed me staring at her. She stared back at me for a few seconds. I felt butterflies in my stomach as she held her eyes on mine. Avery then smiled at me and kept eating her lunch. "There's no way I could have a crush on Avery, right? She's my best friend and I've never felt this towards her before. I cant like her, it's probably something else." I thought.

~small time skip~

I'm sitting in detention, writing an apology note for being late. Whenever Mr. Miller gives us detention, we have to write a 1,000 word apology letter for whatever we did. How am I supposed to apologize for being a few minutes late in 1,000 words!? I tapped my pencil on the table as I thought about what to write next. After 2 hours of detention, I gave him the note and walked out. I walked to the skate park to see if my friends were still there. I saw Avery sitting on a bench with her skateboard under her feet. I sat next to her and she turned to me smiling. "How was detention?" She said with a laugh. "Oh, it was so much fun! I had to write a 1,000 word apology letter for being 2 minutes late!" I said annoyed. She laughed before standing up and pulling me up with her. "Still want to skate?" She asked. "I don't have my board." I said looking at hers. "It's fine, we can share mine for today." She said with a comforting smile. I smiled back at her and we walked to the ramps. We skated for 2 hours before she had to go home. We said goodbye and I walked to the bakery. By now it was dark, so I was using the flashlight on my phone to guide me. I made it to the bakery and I unlocked the door. I locked the door again once I was inside and I turned around to see Dylan coming into the room with a mop. He handed me the mop and started walking behind the counter. "Where were you?" He asked. "Well, first I got detention, then Avery and I skated for a while." I answered. "Please stop getting detention, I had to take over your shift today!" He said. "Omg, I'm so sorry! I forgot I had a shift today. I'll take another shift next week to make up for it!" I told him. "Yeah, you better! Now clean the floor, then get to bed." He said. Once I was done cleaning the floor, I headed downstairs and I changed into my pajamas. I laid down and pulled the covers over me. After a few minutes of tossing and turning, I finally fell into a deep sleep.

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