4- Stay

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"Yes, it's me and I remember you", I told her. "I'm sorry I have to go." I grabbed her arm again and pulled her back so she was looking at me. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me why you came in my house."
I watch the young girl while she stares at the floor and plays with her rings. "Well, what's your name again?" She slowly looks up at me and sighs. "Y/n", she told me. "That's a really pretty name!" She looked away from me to hide her face but I saw her smile and I saw her blush a little. I let out a little giggle and she turned back to meet my eyes.
"The reason I came here and the reason I had a panic attack was because..." I grabbed her hands so she would maybe feel safe enough to tell me. She looked into my eyes for a second before her eyes darted to the floor once again. "I..I was uhm..getting chased and I didn't know where to go so I found this house and quickly ran in here to get away from him", she said quickly and tearing up.
She tried to hide her face again so I wouldn't see her tears. I brushed the hair out of her face and pulled her into a hug. "Well you are definitely staying the night now." "Staying the night?" She looked at me confused. "Of course, I don't want that man to chase you again on your way back." She shook her head and moved closer to the door. "No, I can't stay. I don't want to take up your time or-" I cut her off. "Hey, it's fine. I'm not letting you leave with that guy still out there."
I softly moved her from in front of the door and I locked it. "It was a good thing I forgot to lock the door earlier!" She let out a little giggle. I smiled at her and grabbed her hand. I led her to the living room. "You can wait here while I make you some food. What would you like?" "I'll take anything, thank you." I nodded at her and started walking to the kitchen.


After Lizzie walked out of the living room, I sat on the couch and looked around. Her house is beautiful! I saw a magazine with Lizzie on the front and I picked it up and I looked through it. I felt my eyes get heavy and I yawned. I was also freezing, but I didn't want to use all of her stuff.
After a few minutes, Lizzie can back in holding a plate and a cup of water. "Here you go!" I looked down at the plate and saw she made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Oh, I should've asked you if you're allergic to peanuts first." I looked up at her and smiled. "It's fine, I'm not allergic." She smiled relieved. She sat on couch but not to close to me so I wouldn't be uncomfortable.
I picked up the sandwich and took a bite. Somehow, this is the best pj and jelly sandwich I have ever had! Did she buy a really good jelly brand or something!? A rush a coldness hit me and I shivered while taking a bite of the sandwich.
Lizzie looked over at me a bit concerned. "Are you cold, hunny?" I cleared my throat and looked down at the sandwich. "No, I'm okay." I looked at her and I could tell she wasn't convinced. "I'll be right back, stay here." She stood up and walked off.
I finished my sandwich and took a sip of water. It felt so good to have water after all that running. I zoned out while drinking my water. I was lost in thought. I was thinking about the man, Lizzie, Dylan....DYLAN! I started freaking out because Dylan probably thinks I got kidnapped! When Lizzie came back I ran up to her.
"I need your phone. I need to call Dylan!" She looked at me confused but quickly handed me her phone and unlocked it. I quickly typed in Dylan's number and held the phone to my ear. It's rang three times before Dylan finally picked up. "Hello?" "Dylan, oh thank god!" "Who is this?" "It's y/n." He froze and sighed. "Y/n, where did you go!? I thought something bad happened!" I stopped for a second before I spoke again. "Well, something bad did happen...but I'm fine now and I'll be back tomorrow." "Okay, and when you get back you're telling me everything that happened!" "Alright, alright! Bye Dylan." "Bye."
I hung up the phone and handed it to Lizzie. "Thank you." She smiled and nodded while taking the phone out of my hand. I then realized she had a sweatshirt in my arms. "Follow me", she said. She brought me upstairs and showed me to the guest bedroom. "You can stay here for tonight! There's also a bathroom connected so you can shower."
She handed me the sweatshirt and motioned for me to walk into the room. "Wow. It's so...big!" She laughed and put her hands on my shoulders. "I'll leave you be so you can get ready for bed. Goodnight!" "Goodnight Elizabeth." "Oh, please call me Lizzie!" "Oh ok, goodnight Lizzie." She smiled at me and walked out, closing the door on her way out.
I walked into the bathroom and started the shower. After my shower, I changed into the sweatshirt Lizzie gave me and my pants. The sweatshirt was big for me but I didn't care. I looked for a hairbrush, but I couldn't find one so I walked out of the room and I found Lizzie in the living room reading a book. "Uh..Lizzie, I need a hairbrush." She looked up at me and smiled. "Alright. I'll grab one, stay here."
She walked to her bathroom and I stood there waiting for her. She came back with a hairbrush and she sat back on the couch.
She motioned in front of her. I was confused at first but then I realized she wanted to brush my hair. I walked over and sat in front of her. She started brushing my hair. She was being very carefully so it wouldn't hurt. Once she finished, she placed her hands on my shoulders. "All done! Now, you should get to bed."
I stood up and we said goodnight again. When I got to the bedroom, I put my wet hair into a braid and turned off the lights. I climbed into the bed and and turned over to get comfortable. The bed was the most comfiest bed I've ever been in! After a few minutes, I fell into a deep sleep.
I woke up the next morning to Lizzie talking to someone. I assumed it was Robbie and I got excited to meet him. I quickly stood up and changed into my outfit from yesterday and I headed to the bathroom. I took my hair out of the braid and tried to fix it with my hands. I splashed my face with cold water to help me wake up. After getting ready and feeling like I look decent enough to meet Robbie, I headed downstairs.
Once I reached the bottom step, Lizzie ran up to me and hugged me. "Hey, good morning!" I giggled and responded, "Good morning!" "I have someone I want you to meet!" She moved out of the way and I froze when I saw who was standing behind Lizzie.

Hey everyone!
Happy Halloween!
If you celebrate Halloween and you're going trick or treating, stay safe and I hope you get a lot of your favorite candy😉
I Love you 3000!

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