15- Hawaii, part 2

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I woke up in Averys bed all alone. I look around and don't see her anywhere. I grab my phone and am about to text her, but mom walks in. "Good morning, honey!" "Morning mom! Do you know where Avery is?" She shakes her head and looks around. "I'll go find her, you have to get ready to go." I nod and mom gets up and walks out. I pull myself out of bed and dig through my clothes to find a good outfit for today.

I found a cute outfit and quickly changed into it before doing the rest of my morning routine. I grab my phone, bag, and room key and I put my shoes on before heading out. I walk down to the elevator and I run into Chris H. "Good morning Y/N!" "Morning Chris!" He smiles and walks towards his room, giving me a small wave. I wave back and get in the elevator.

The door open on the bottom floor and I walk out to find about half of the cast talking in the lobby. I look around for Avery and see her talking to Tom (Spidey boi). I walk over to them and they both smile when they see me. "Hey guys!" They both say good morning to me and Avery grabs my hand, pulling me away from the crowd of people. "Before you say anything, where were you?" She chuckles and motions towards Scarlett.

"I was with Scarlett. She was giving me the 'If you break her heart, I will break you' talk." I look over to Scarlett and she's busy talking with Mark. After a few more minutes, the rest of the cast comes and we all head out, splitting up in to many cars. I'm in a car with mom, Avery, Holland, and Evans. Tom, Avery, and I are in the back and we are messing around. Tom elbowed my side and I fell into Avery, then I kicked his shin.

Avery decided to join in by hitting my stomach. I turned to her with a shocked face and she laughed. I slapped the back of her head and she stopping laughing, turning to face me. Tom stomped on my foot as I turned to face him. I was about to hit him back when mom spoke up. "Guy, stop it." We all stopped and sat back but then we all made eye contact and we bursted out laughing.

I saw mom shake her head with a smile on her face and Chris chuckled. After a few minutes, we finally made it to where the cast was shooting. We all climbed out of the car and mom walked up to Avery and I. "You two can go hang out in my trailer. Here, bring this in there for me." She handed me her bag before she walked over to the hair and makeup trailer. Avery and I walked to moms trailer in comfortable silence.

When we got inside, I set moms bag down and laid on her bed. Avery come over to me and laid on top of me. "Well hello", I said giggling a little. She chuckled and laid her head down on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and shut my eyes, quickly falling asleep. I woke up and saw Avery still on top of me and Scarlett laying next to us, doing something on her phone.

"Hi scarjo", I said with a smirk because I know how much she hates that nickname. She turns to me with an annoyed face. "I'll let it slide for now because you're my favorite. But if you say it again, you will wish you hadn't." "Hey! I'm your other favorite, right", Avery said in a tired voice. Scarlett and I both chuckled. "Of course. You're both my favorites. Don't tell anyone."

"How long were we asleep", I asked. "About an hour and a half." I nod and carefully move Avery off of me so I can get a snack. I walk to the mini kitchen and grab some chips. I head back to the bed and find Avery cuddled with Scarlett. I sit next to them and pretend I'm upset about Avery cuddled up with Scar. Avery looks up to me and chuckles before sticking her tongue out. She lays her head back down and Scarlett chuckles at my fake shocked face.

I finish my chips and I look up to see mom walk in. She looks around, looking worried but quickly pulls a fake smile when she sees us. "H-Hey guys", mom says as she sits at the end of the bed. "Looks like Scarlett stole your girl, Y/N." They all laughed and I lay down, moving my legs into moms lap. "Yep, she did." Scarlett and mom chuckle as Avery rolls over and wraps her arms around me. She kisses my cheek and lays her head on my chest.

Mom smiles at us before giving Scarlett a 'I need to talk with you' look. Mom walks out and Scarlett follows her. I hear Averys phone get a notification so I check it for her. I see a text message from a girl named Brielle. It said, "Hey Aves, I miss you. I want to get back together, what do you think? I still like you, bubs. Text me back soon". I stare at the text for a second. I shouldn't feel upset because we aren't technically dating, but I can't help it.

I set the phone back down and wrap my arms around Avery once again. "What was the notification?" She lifted her head off of my chest and kissed my cheek. "It was a message from Brielle. Whoever she is, she wants to get back together with you." Avery looks at me angry and annoyed. "If she texts me one more time asking to get back together, I'm going to block her." She reaches over me and grabs her phone. "Why don't you just block her now?"

She looks at me and then back to her phone. "We are still friends so I don't want to block her. But if she keeps asking to get back together, I will." I feel like I shouldn't be nervous but I am. I'm nervous that since they are still friends, Avery might fall for her again. I don't want that to happen. Avery sends a text back to Brielle before standing up. "I'm going to go hang out in the living room, want to come?" I pull the covers over me and roll onto my side. "No thanks, ima take a nap."

She chuckles before walking out and closing the door behind her. I'm not actually going to sleep, I just needed an excuse to be alone. I lay in the bed, staring at the roof. Thinking about all sorts of things. Avery, school, my friends, mom, the cast, and more. Evans bursts through the bedroom door, making me jump. "Jesus, Evans! What was that!?" He laughs and pulls me out of bed. "Come with me!" He drags me out of the trailer and to where the cast are sitting.

He makes me sit in a chair and then goes back to his seat. "What's happening?" They all look at each other confused until Evans speaks up. "Nothing, I just wanted you to come out of the trailer." The cast chuckles before returning to their conversations. I turn to Chris and smack his hand. He turns to me with a shocked expression. "What was that for!?" "You made a big deal out of literally nothing. I thought something big was about to happen."

Chris playfully rolls his eyes before turning back to Anthony. I sit back and play with my fingers as I start to zone out. Mom turns to me and notices that I'm zoned out. "Y/N? Honey, what's wrong?" I zone back in and turn to mom. "Oh, nothing is wrong. I was just looking at the view." Mom looks at me worriedly and places her hand on mine. "You can tell me anything, honey. You know that, right?" I smile and nod before returning my focus to the view. I could feel moms eyes on me as I bit my lip in thought. I start thinking about Brielle. I quickly stand up and make my way back to moms trailer.

I open the door and I see Avery head shoot up. "Hey, why'd Chris pull you out there?" Instead of responding, I walk to the bedroom and lay down. She follows me and sit at the edge of the bed. "What's wrong?" I sit up and play with my fingers. "Are you worried about Brielle?" I stare at my hands for a second before nodding. She cups my face in her hands and smiles. "I don't like her, trust me. I will block her if you want me to."

I chuckle and rubs my eyes. "You don't have to, but I mean, I wouldn't mind it." She chuckles and at that moment mom walks in. She smiles at Avery before saying, "Hey Avery? Could I talk to Y/N in private?" Avery smiles before standing and walking out of the room, closing the door before her. Mom sits next to me and turns to me. Before she says anything I speak up. "Mom, I'm fine, really." "I wasn't coming to ask you if you're ok."

I tilt my head confused but then I remembered when mom came into the bedroom earlier looking upset and then her and Scarlett left to talk. "What do you want to talk about then?" She takes a deep breath and looks around. "Mom?" "I don't know how you will react to this." I start to panic. "Mom, please tell me. I'm getting scared." She slightly nods and then grabs my hands.

"Your dad is alive."


First of all, I'm so sorry that this took like a billion years to get out. I've had no motivation, so yeah, sorry bout that.

Second, sorry this chapter is shorter than the others. I just wanted to get a chapter out for you guys.

Third, how is our dad alive🤔 I guess you will find out in the next chapter😏

PS: Not proofread because it is 4:00 am and I want to sleep

Word count- 1728

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