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Finally, the time had come; the Association had to let Zero go for maternity leave. His incident with Lloyd Fairfax was hardly a setback - they couldn't say no to Kaname Kuran when he demanded they release his mate for leave; and release Zero they did.

The shirt Zero was wearing was so big that it was sliding off one of his pale shoulders as he slowly packed his belongings from the school into his duffel bag. His hand froze in mid-air as he was putting a pair of sweatpants into the bag when a sharp pain emitted from his stomach and he doubled over, cradling it. 'Deep breaths,' the Hunter thought to himself as he inhaled deeply. 'Deep breaths, it'll be okay.'

There was a knock on his dorm room door. "Zero," a deep, rich voice rumbled, "I am coming in." Zero bit his lip in pain as Kaname entered swiftly and walked to his side, bending beside him. "Zero," the pureblood murmured, a soft smile on his face as he rubbed his mate's back. "I see our little Kieran is very active." Aidou had been able to tell them the gender of the baby at three weeks, and when they found out it was a boy, they fought over the name. Finally though, Zero won out over Alexander with Kieran Alexander.

Zero groaned as he felt another kick that took the breath out of him, leaning on Kaname for support as he slowly and shakily stood, "Y-yeah; he wants to be out of there just as much as I want him out." Kaname just chuckled and said, "Lay down, Zero. I shall finish your packing." The ex-human didn't like other people doing things for him; he hated feeling helpless. But he supposed arguing wouldn't get him anywhere; especially not when Kaname gave him his stern look. Zero just gave up then and crawled up on the bed to relax before the drive back to the Academy.

"So; how has the medication been going?" Kaname asked, making small talk as he packed the remainder of the prefect's belongings.

Zero sighed, an arm over his closed eyes and a hand on his stomach, "This past month has been hard on me; with the baby, my thirst is greater than ever. They doubled my dose of Vamicyian to better curb my lust for human blood, my dose of Reverse E is the same. They believe it would be better for me to be cured before the baby is born. But I've got another 3 months here..."

The prince paused, zipping up the bag, "They believe there will be complications during birth because of your condition?" Zero just silently nodded in agreement. "He... he may not be born healthy, Kaname. There's a 50% chance my blood will take over and he'll be born an unstable Level D; but it's unlikely... due to your pureblood." The room was silent after that statement.

"Well," Kaname finally said, slinging Zero's bag over his shoulder, "The baby will be born within the next two weeks. I will have Aidou keep a constant eye on you. Plus, you will be feeding on my blood; which is also nutrients for Kieran. Remember that; I am sure everything will be just fine, my love." Zero removed his arm from his eyes and looked at Kaname, a dull light in his eyes, "I hope you're right, Kaname."


"So, has the Association been giving you more of that fake blood than usual to help out?" Aidou asked Zero as he ran tests on his blood once more.

Zero nodded, leaning back slowly in the chair he was seated in, "Yeah. I've been getting more at feeding time; but the blood Kaname has been sending over is much better." Aidou smiled, "Good, good; I just want to make sure they are taking the proper preperations for the birth. You can't be malnourished, after all." The prefect nodded, a small smile on his face, "Yes, Aidou. I'm fine, I promise you."

There was no more talking as the scientist concentrated on his work, and when he was done, he pushed his glasses up on his nose and read the paper that printed. "Well, your blood has quite a bit of pureblood running through it. That's good; Kieran is absorbing a lot of that blood, which is also a good sign. You are 4 weeks exactly, and he should be born in the next week or two, Zero-sama; and as far as I can tell, we should have little to no problems." He paused and scanned down the information, "Considering it's a C-section."

The Hunter nodded, taking a breath as he went to stand slowly, "Good. My feet hurt and my ankles are swollen, so I'm going back to bed, Aidou." The blonde noble nodded in agreement, "Do you want me to escort you, Zero-sama?" Zero put up his hand to the scientist as he slowly made his way for the door, "No. I can escort myself down the hall, thank you." Aidou blinked, but then smiled in amusement, "Of course, Zero-sama."


Kaname ended up meeting Zero halfway down the hall and carrying him back to their bedroom. Zero crossed his arms - or well, tried to - and huffed. "Kaname, I am perfectly capable of walking myself to our bedroom." A deep chuckle resonated from the pureblood's chest as he strolled into their room and laid Zero on their bed. "Right, Zero. I know. We are just trying to help you out. We understand that this is hard for you."

Zero just blushed lightly and turned his head. "Yeah, yeah... I know, Kaname." It was nearing sun up, and now that class had been long over, Kaname had paper work to do. "I will join you soon, Zero." He then kissed the Hunter's lips softly and walked over to his desk.

Zero sighed, rolling over onto his side carefully, an arm crading his stomach. He ran his free hand through his hair gently and closed his eyes. He was so stressed out about this baby; he was just ready for it to be over.

His eyes shot open, and he gritted his teeth as he felt Kieran kick his bladder. "D-damn it..." He whispered, now feeling the need to pee. He slowly slipped out of bed, and walked to the bathroom, feeling relieved when he finally emptied his bladder.

He then made his way back to bed after washing his hands, and crawled back into bed; groaning all the while as Kieran played soccer with his other organs. "Damn it, Kieran Alexander," he panted and gave a pained smile, "I love you; my little fighter. I can't wait to meet you."


A/N: Dedicated to KillerPuppy129.  It's more of a filler chapter, and the last one will be longer. Kieran Alexander isn't Japanese, but I thought it was a cute name. Hope you all like it! Vote & comment, please! ~Adrienne~

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