The Senate

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The pureblood prince's limo pulled up in front of the Senate's main building; where they held court. Kaname was not expected, but he knew that before he stepped foot in that building, that they would know he was present. His driver opened his door, and bowed respectfully as the prince exited; his strides sure and quick as he approached the glass double doors of the main building.

He felt the feeling of the atmosphere shift as he entered the building; there were questioning auras as he strolled down the marble hall. He then stopped when he reached large dark oak doors, and he took a breath. This was it. "Kaname Kuran," a deep voice boomed from inside, "Enter." Asato Ichijo. Takuma's ancient grandfather.

The looming doors opened without a single touch, and Kaname walkd in confidently. "Asato," he said, as he stood before the head of the Senate; bowing, "It is good to see you again." The older blonde male scoffed, "Save your pleasantries, pureblood. I know why you're here today." Hostility. Well, Kaname expected no less.

His deep sienna eyes raised from the dark marble of the floor to Asato's icy blue, "Oh? Then excuse me, Asato. Let us get down to business." The aristocrat nodded his head, displeasure in his eyes, "That trash -the level E, Zero Kiryuu. It's bad enough you'd associate yourself with him, but now... due to complications with his treatment, you've impregnated him?"

Kaname bit the inside of his lip and clenched his fists; his eyes starting to burn a dark red, "Asato; remember your place. I understand you are part of the Senate, but remember who I am. You will not talk of my mate in that manner." The blonde vampire growled low in his throat - a warning.

"I haven't forgot. But let's not beat around the bush; the answer is no, Kaname. This is unacceptable, and you've broken so many rules by now, you're lucky you're still alive." His eyes narrowed into dangerous slits, "It's only because of your heritage you're still here. You have to either kill the Hunter; or the baby. That is your choice. You have to continue your pureblood line; you're one of the very few left. Our leaders."

The prince was burning with rage; to where things in the hall were starting to shake. "Your leaders? This is a funny way to show respect for your leaders. Look - I understand the laws. There is a reason they are in place; I know this. But you are bold to treat one of the most powerful purebloods this way. You are making a mistake, Asato."

There was silence in the great hall aside from the shaking of decorations and pillers as Asato's eyes turned a light red and he stood from his seat. "Are you threatening the leader of the Senate?" Kaname reached out his arm, and all of the sudden, an invisible force grabbed Asato by his throat and lifted him up off of his feet. "I do not make threats, Asato Ichijo - I make promises. I will end you, Asato Ichijo; if you do not let this go."

There was mild panic in the proud Aristocrat's eyes, as he tried to fight off the invisible grip on him, "K-Kaname! It will... will cause an uproar in the Senate. Powerful vampires... throwing a f-fit is never a good thing." Oh, Kaname knew that all too well. "I will handle the rest of the Senate myself. They are not quite as surly as yourself. Do we have a deal?"

It took a few more uncomfortable seconds but finally the old vampire nodded, "F-fine. Fine. But I leave the Senate to you." Kaname smirked lightly, before releasing the grip on the Aristocrat's neck. "Very well, Asato. Call them all in here; I will kill two birds with one stone tonight."


The whole of the Senate gathered together in the hall as Kaname paced back and forth. This was it.

Asato explained the reason for the gathering to the rest of the Senate, and of course, no one approved. There were calls of, "Absolutely not," "We cannot allow that," and "Is he crazy?" ringing throughout the room. But Kaname was prepared for this.

"Silence." He called out, doing a waving gesture with his right hand. Once they had followed his order, he folded his hands behind his back, and glanced at all of them. "I take sole responsibility for this rash decision. Asato is not to blame for this. You will accept my decision; or you will not enjoy the concequences. This, I assure you all." The was murmuring and dirty looks passing through the room; but in the end, Kaname knew things would go his way. At least, on the surface. He didn't doubt that once he left this room, the Senate would try to come up with a way to stop this. Vampires were such arrogant creatures; they couldn't take a threat seriously.

When that day came though... Kaname would be ready.


"Oh, they showed some resistance, did they?" Aidou asked when Kaname had finally made it back to the dorms pretty late.

The pureblood nodded as he took a seat at his desk, and looked over some papers, "That is what they are known for; is it not?" Aidou gave a small chuckle, crossing his arms as he leaned against the frame of Kaname's door, "Touche. But I think everything will be fine, Kaname-sama. There isn't a lot which makes it past you." That was true enough.

"Alright," the prince sighed, tossing the papers from the Senate down on his desk, "It is nearing sun up. I think it would be wise for us to turn in." He got up from his desk and walked to his wardrobe as the blonde noble bowed then, and responded, "Of course, Kaname-sama. Good night." Before quickly leaving the room. Once he was gone, Kaname changed out of his pajamas and climbed slowly into his bed; sleep evading him once again as he thought about the concequences of his actions.


The next day, Zero sat throughout his classes in sort of a haze. He felt something was wrong; he just couldn't tell what. Even after he excused himself from class once to vomit in the bathroom, the sickening feeling still wouldn't go away. 'It's not the baby,' he thought to himself quietly as he made it slowly back to class with a hand over his stomach. 'It must be... Kaname. But what?'

When he returned to class, he received a disgusted look from his teacher, Lloyd Fairfax - due to the fact he had his hand over his stomach. "I still can't believe our scientists gave you something like that; then you whore around with that pureblood and get yourself pregnant." Zero's eyes widened and his teeth flashed.

"Shut your mouth! You don't know anything about me! It's not my fault the Hunter Association is made up of idiots!" The hand on his stomach clenched slightly in anger. How dare this Hunter call him promiscuous? But it would appear Mr. Fairfax had enough; it was a big, big no-no to show your vampiric side while in rehabilitation.

"To the office, Kiryuu. I'm sure the president will be happy to know your progress isn't going so well." The pregnant teen rolled his eyes and collected his belongings before tossing them into his bag and leaving the room. As he walked down the hall, his hand never left his stomach once. He couldn't wait for this baby to be born - and to get the hell out of that place.

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