Kieran Alexander

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Kaname was shuffling through his paperwork, when there was a gentle knock on his dark oak doors. "Enter, Ichijo." The pureblood murmured softly. All was quiet as the noble entered, and then quietly closed the door behind him; proceeding to take long, gracefully strides towards his leader's desk.

"So, tomorrow's the big day, hm, Kaname?" Takuma smiled brightly and his emerald green eyes sparkled with happiness for Kaname as he sat on the edge of the large desk; resting his hands in his lap. "How do you feel?"

A sigh escaped Kaname's lips as his eyes slowly rose to meet his best friend's. "Honestly? I'm worried for Zero. I am aware Aidou is the best for the job, but still... there's this feeling that things may not end up well... I have been constantly thinking about what Zero said; regarding our son being born an unstable Level D due to Zero's condition. I do not think I could handle it if Kieran was born like that; it might very well destroy Zero if he was..."

A worried frown overtook the blonde noble's face, "Kaname. This isn't like you. You don't worry. I realize the outcome of this situation isn't something any of us can control, but you still have to believe that... everything will work out. For the better. You're going to worry yourself sick if you don't." Takuma didn't know if he'd said the right words; but he wanted to ease his friend's worries.

The prince closed his eyes, and nodded softly, "You are right, old friend. I cannot be like this; I must be strong for Zero. For Kieran. It will be fine. Surely." He reached for his half empty flute glass of lukewarm blood-like liquid, and took a long sip before looking up to meet Takuma's eyes again. "Is everyone else in class besides you and Aidou?"

The vice president nodded, "Yes; I'm assuming Zero is with him?" Kaname nodded, sloshing the remaining liquid around in his glass, "Yes. Aidou is like a worried mother hen when it comes to Zero; I find it peculiar, but... calming; to know my mate is in good hands such as his." The blonde laughed at the pureblood's comment.

"Why, yes, he is, isn't he? He has Zero for tests almost every evening. I guess the success of this pregnancy means just as much to him as it does to you and Zero. Aidou adores you both. I don't know when he started caring so much for Zero, but it's a good thing. I believe everything will turn out fine tomorrow. We're all going to be there for the delivery, Kaname."

Kaname gave a soft smile, "That is comforting; for everyone we care for to be present." He was quiet for a moment as he ran a hand through his hair, "Does everyone know what day and time already?"

Takuma smiled and nodded, "I took care of it, Kaname; don't worry. Aidou and I got this. You just support Zero, and we'll take care of the rest, alright? Everything will be fine."

Kaname turned around in his chair, and looked out the window at the moon; feeling it calm his nerves. "Yes. You are right, Ichijo."

All was silent for a while, before Takuma glanced up at the clock and slid off of Kaname's desk. "Zero should be back any time now. So I'll leave you in peace, Kaname; I'll see you tomorrow morning." With that, the noble swiftly left; leaving Kaname alone to collect his thoughts.


"Aidou, can I please go back to my room?" Zero asked, stretching out his legs as he relaxed in his designated chair in Aidou's lab.

Said blonde vampire make a 'tsk' sound with his tongue, writing on his clip board. "Just about, Zero-sama. I just want to make sure everything is absolutely perfect for tomorrow evening. Everything must run as smoothly as possible; not only for your and the baby's sake, but for Kaname-sama's as well."

Zero groaned in annoyance, "I know, I know. I know; and I thank you for being so careful with everything. It's just exhausting. Do you know how hard it is being pregnant?"

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