Memories and Surprises

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"I don't know what Kaname-sama sees in you."

Zero sighed in annoyance, lifting his head to meet the ice blue eyes of Hanabusa Aidou. The two males were at the fountain; Zero had been taking a 'break' from patrolling when the mouthy noble appeared from the trees. "Shouldn't you been in class, Aidou?" Said vampire crossed his arms, and walked forward until he was standing in front of the silver-haired prefect.

"Yagari dismissed class early today, Kiryuu; I don't see what business that is of yours, though." Aidou's eyes shined with great distaste, "Kaname-sama is our leader, after all." Zero scoffed and sat back slightly, his hands grasping at the smooth stone of the fountain, "Yeah, and does he know you're here?" Before the blonde could answer, the Hunter stood, eye to eye with his adversary.

"You disgust me, Aidou; if I were you, I'd stay out of my way."

Satisfied with the look of shock and anger in the noble's eyes, Zero stuck his hands in the pockets of his school slacks, and pushed passed him. He didn't get very far though; he narrowed his eyes as his wrist was grabbed forcefully. "You... you think you're all that, don't you? Just because you're Kaname-sama's mate." The prefect looked over his shoulder, catching the burning gaze of Aidou.

"You listen to me, you trash. Don't walk around here all high and mighty because you're his. I don't appreciate you acting like-" "You're jealous, aren't you?" Zero interrupted Aidou's rant, an unreadable look in his lavender pools. There was a pregnant pause; before Aidou's eyes flashed and ice immediately enveloped the arm he had a hold of. "Jealous of you? Oh, that's rich, Kiryuu." The ex-human rolled his eyes; feeling the biting cold of the ice travel up to his shoulder.

"Aidou, you're acting like a child. It's disgusting." He then did only what Kaname ever had done; he back handed Aidou hard enough to send the blonde noble into the fountain. Zero groaned, holding his arm encased in ice; his arm was going numb. He walked back over to the fountain, and slammed his frozen arm into it; shattering the ice, and sending a throbbing pain up to his shoulder. "Oh, shit!" He bit his lip, drawing blood by accident as he waited for the pain to subside.

Meanwhile, Aidou sat up in the fountain, panting slightly from the impact of his landing. Water dripped off the ends of his bangs onto his face, and when he raised a hand out of the water to wipe the streaks away, a strong smell hit his nose: blood. His eyes flashed red as his head snapped in the direction of Zero, and noticed the small cut on the prefect's lower lip. His eyes widened in surprise, 'That... that smell... Zero's blood smells like that? No wonder Kaname-sama can't resist him; that scent is absolutely delectable!'

As if he was in a trance, the ice wielder slowly rose from the water, and stepped out of the fountain, approaching Zero. The Hunter sent him a questioning glance, but he realized too late what was wrong. He called out in shock as Aidou's mouth covered his.


Zero's eyes slowly opened as the morning light streamed through a crack in Kaname's burgundy curtains. He sighed, raising a hand to rub his face; that dream again. A continuous reminder of the night Aidou pledged his loyalty to Zero. 'No matter,' the prefect thought as he slowly slide out of bed; the deliciously throbbing pain in his ass reminding him of last night's activities. A soft smile crossed his features as he glanced at Kaname; sound asleep in the middle of the bed. He then continued on his way to the bathroom to get ready for his day with Yuuki.

Just before he made it, there was a soft knock at the door. He growled lowly, and his eyes flashed red. "Aidou. What is it?" At his words, the blonde opened the door slowly, and stepped in; clad in his blue silk pajamas. "You told me I could run tests on your medicines today, Zero-sama; I wanted to grab them for later before you ran off to see Yuuki." Zero blinked, glancing over at them on his bedside table. 'Oh; right.' He thought to himself.

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