Sunday Meeting

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Zero squeezed the pureblood's hand tightly as the pair stood in front of Chairman Cross's office. Kaname sent his distressed mate a side glance, "Zero; please, calm down. It will be fine." The prefect nodded numbly as Kaien opened the door, and gave a soft smile, "Come in, you two."

Zero raised an eyebrow; the Chairman was in one of his serious moods for once. That was slightly suspicious. Once the couple had taken a seat across from Kaien's desk, the ponytail clad man sat across from them, and said, "So, I'm assuming you both have something very important to inform me of?" A slight blush covered the Hunter's pale cheeks, and he bit his bottom lip as he dropped his gaze to the floor.

Kaien raised an eyebrow at his son's reaction, as Kaname cleared his throat and said, "Chairman, Zero has been given a medication at the Center that has Aphrodite in it. I am sure you can put the rest of the pieces together." It was quiet for a moment as the sandy haired man adjusted his glasses and glanced at Zero; a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"I don't understand how the Association could make this kind of mistake," Kaien murmured, "But maybe it was a risk they had to take in order to cure Zero." He folded his hands together as he directly addressed the prefect, "Are you pregnant, Zero?" Zero jumped lightly in his seat, and swallowed; finally lifting his head to meet the Chairman's gaze.

"Yes, I am."


After that, Kaien went back to acting stupid and goofy, acting all excited and junk for the couple, and he even pulled Yuuki out of class and brought her into the office to tell her. She was in shock and disbelieving at first like Zero, but then she was all happy go lucky fo them; tears in her eyes as she hugged Zero tightly.

"I'm so happy for you, Zero! I wonder what kind of parent you'll make." Zero rolled his eyes as he hugged her back before releasing her, "I don't know..."

She then stood in front of Kaname, looking into his eyes. When he gave her a soft smile and opened his arms, she grinned and threw her arms around his waist, "You'll make a great father, Kaname-sama; I'm so happy for you." The pureblood hugged her tightly to his chest, stroking her dark hair, "Thank you so much, Yuuki; your faith means much to me." When she pulled away from him, tears were streaming down her face again as she whispered, "Take care of him, please..."

Kaname's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but then he gave a soft, charming smile, "Of course, Yuuki. Of course." He then bent down and kissed her forehead. "I will always take care of him." The pair glanced over when they heard the Hunter groaning in annoyance as he was being hugged and dragged all over the office by an over-excited Chairman.

"We'll have to have a baby shower and it will just be fantastic! We'll call caterers and-" Zero slapped a hand over Kaien's mouth, "Shut up please." Yuuki broke out into a laugh at the pout on her father's face and Kaname gave a soft chuckle; yes, this was the dysfunctional family his baby would be born into.


Sunday night came too soon. Zero was slowly backing his duffel bag as Kaname showered in the bathroom. Just as he was packing the remainder of his things, there was a knock on the dark oak double doors. His lavender eyes shot towards the door, and he answered tiredly, "Enter, Aidou." He turned his attention back to his bag and zipped it up as the blonde noble walked gracefully into the room; fully dressed in his Night Class uniform.

"Here, Zero-sama; these are the vitamins I promised you. Make sure you take them once a day; and don't drink any undesirable blood." Aidou said, as he handed the bottle with a homemade label over to the prefect. Zero held the bottle in his hand and read the label, "Thank you, Aidou; your help means a lot to us." The noble's ice blue eyes lit up, "Oh, no, it's my pleasure to help you both in any way I can."

Zero smirked, opening a side pocket and tossing the medicine inside, "Of course; you may leave now. Once Kaname finishes with his shower, I guess he's taking me back to the Center." Aidou nodded slowly, as he turned and walked towards the doors, "It's truly a shame you cannot stay. I'll see you next weekend, Zero-sama." The scientist bowed respectfully before backing out of the room and closing the doors.

Zero sighed and ran a hand through his silver locks before walking over to their walk in closet and grabbing his combat boots before sitting on the bed to put them on. Just then, the bathroom door opened, and a towel-clad Kaname walked into the room; water droplets hanging on the ends of his hair. When the younger of the two saw the beauty of his mate, his eyes flashed red and he realized how dry his throat was. He hadn't drank much while back at the Academy.

Kaname smirked slightly when he saw the look in his lover's eyes, "Zero; are you thirsty?" His question wasn't gratified with an answer; but it didn't need to be. The prince continued to walk across the room until he made it to the prefect, who was sitting on the edge of their shared bed. Kaname reached out a hand and stroked the pale skin of Zero's cheek, before getting on his knees and tilting his head to the side, "Drink."

No more needed to be said as the blood lust became stronger in the young Hunter's eyes and one of his hands tangled in the chocolate locks of his mate and pulled harshly as he teeth sank into the lovely neck presented before him. He was almost instantly soothed at the smooth and rich blood that flowed into his mouth and down his dry throat; it was nearly better than sex. Well... nearly.

Kaname closed his eyes in bliss as his lover drank from him. It felt wonderful to be drank from; he still couldn't wrap his brain around it; seeing as it didn't happen a lot. He grabbed a handful of silver locks, savoring every last minute of closeness with his young pregnant mate. Again, the moment was over too soon as there was a knock on the door, "Kaname-sama? Zero-sama? The limo's here." Kain's deep baritone voice rumbling through the door before his footsteps retreated down the hall.

Zero growled lowly as his eyes slowly faded back to cool lavendar pools and he pulled his fangs out of Kaname's neck; licking the wound closed. "Fuck it all." He hissed, sitting back. Kaname chuckled, getting back on his feet, "Come, Zero; it's time to return. Just remember; you'll have the baby within a month." Zero's eyes widened, and he asked, "W-what? How is that even..?"

The pureblood prince walked over to his floor length mirror, and fixed his hair and Night Class uniform jacket, "Vampires mature at a more rapid pace than humans. So, within a month, the Center will have to let you come home for maternity leave." The prefect rather liked the sound of that.

Zero rested with his head in the prince's lap in the limo on the way to the Center. He hummed softly as slender, graceful fingers continuously thread through his hair. He would miss this all week until he could see his prince again.


The Hunter had fallen asleep during the ride back and growled when Kaname woke him. "We are at the gates, my dear Zero." A warm chuckled notified him. Zero dragged himself out of the limo, and took his duffel bag from the limo driver; even though the driver tried to carry it to his dorm at the Center.

The pair held hands as they strolled leisurely in the direction of his dorm; getting stares from some of the mobile Level E's; who were still being closely watched. Looks of envy, hatred and wonder followed their steps. Zero glanced down at the ground, his eyes narrowing and his grip tightening on Kaname's hand. The pureblood, on the other hand, steadily met the gazes of their onlookers until one by one they looked away and went on with their business.

Finally they stood in front of Zero's door. "Well, I guess I'll see you this Wednesday at lunch, my dear Zero." Zero nodded as he unlocked his door and threw his bag into the darkness, "Alright, Kaname." He then turned to look his lover in the eyes, "Kaname, I..."

Kaname nodded slowly, taking a step forward, "I love you, Zero," then captured his smooth lips in a searing kiss; pulling the Hunter into his body. Zero was breathless when they seperated and he whispered softly, "I love you too."

As Zero disappeared into his room and slowly shut the door, Kaname finally turned on his heel and walked back to his limo, eyes narrowed in determination "Now... time to deal with the Senate."

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