Chapter 7

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The city was in disastorous condition. Buildings had crashed, people were scattered, screaming, running for their lives.

Still, Marinette walked on with her krutch, trying to get to Cat Blanc.

"CAT NOIR!" She shouted. He froze. Turning around, Marinette saw the tears in his eyes.

" should be at home...healing."

"We both know I'm not going to get any better." Marinette fell on the ground and Cat Blanc ran over to her. He held her in his arms.

" can't leave me..."

"I don't want to, kitty...I don't want to..." Marinette pulled Cat Blanc's suit and kissed him. Not the most romantic kiss, but both never wanted it to end.

Emilie ran to both of them and kneeled down.

"Adrien, she's fading fast."

"Please...don't say that..."

"I'm not trying to." Emilie held out a pair of very special earrings. "Use them, and make the wish to bring her back."

"But, I'm still akumatized."

"And I don't want to take you away from him, Mrs. Agreste."

"I know you mean so much to him, I wouldn't want to take you away from him either, sweetie. Adrien, you're stronger than the akuma, YOU can free it."

Cat Blanc clutched his head. The voice appeared.

"DON'T YOU DARE DISOBEY ME ADRIEN!" Cat Blanc yelped and leaped five feet in the air, okay that's exaggerating but still.

"Fight it! Fight it! Fight it!" Emilie started chanting. Marinette joined in, just barely having the energy to do it.

"Aghhh!!!" Cat Blanc screamed. A bright purple flash spread across Paris, and slowly, Cat Blanc's suit turned black, creating Cat Noir once more.

As soon as the transformation was done, Cat Noir hurried over to Marinette and took the earrings. Carelessly taking his ring off, he put the earrings next to it.

"Now...make your wish Adrien..."

"I wish...I wish...I wish for Marinette to be healthy again..." his voice trailed off. Marinette cupped his cheek in her hand. A red glow illuminated off of Marinette's skin and surrounded her whole body.

Confused, Marientte desperately grabbed onto Adrien's hand. Adrien smiled and let go of her hand and she ascended up into the air. When she came back down, she was perfectly healed. Pink back to her lips, rosy cheeks, and bright bluebell eyes.

Adrien picked her up and they both laughed. Marinette grabbed his shirt and kissed him. But it was a kiss like no other. When they broke, they stared into each other's eyes. They let their foreheads touch and at the same time, they whispered...

"My Kitty..."


Emilie watched the two embrace each other. But then she started emitting sparks from her body.

"Adrien, Marinette, I'm sorry, but I'm leaving now."


"Live your life with Marinette. Be happy. And most importantly, move on..." the last words hung in the air as Emilie Agreste disappeared in a cloud of red and black dust.

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