Knowing Your Worth As A Young Woman

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A lot of us want to be in love and have a boyfriend. Yes I know the urge. There shouldn’t

be no rush especially at this age. Enjoy your youth, invest in a hobby something you like. Stop trying to be grown like those girls you see at school or on television. Just be you and keep your purity and if you lost it..its never too late to ask for forgiveness and better yourself. Have you ever notice how the women on tv are always in drama and dealing with all types of problems that is because the man they are with don’t respect them, the man is just simply a dog or they probably settling with him for the money or whatever status he has. We need to stop going for men with “swag” or how popular he is and go for a man that will pray for you, do bible study together, draw you closer to God. We should have our interest in guys that is willing to wait until marriage for sex. Don’t be out here giving your soul away to men that are using you, abusing you and defiling you. And if a guy cheats or beats you he doesn’t love you and never did. I know you remember how 1 Corinthians 13 verse 4-7 tells you how love should be and how it is not selfish. When we go out here and sleep with men we form a soul tie meaning that we are married to that person in the spirit world and whatever demons or addiction that the person maybe dealing with will transfer on to us. Ever wonder how a father is an alcoholic and when they have a son or daughter that child may deal with this. That is because whatever demons the mom or dad had it transferred on into the child. This is why it is hard sometimes for people to get off of drugs. If we are not careful we can form really bad and unhealthy soul ties. This is why we need to learn how to pray and to tell God to cut the tie that is unhealthy. Don’t let no man manipulate you into having sex with him .For a real man of God would rather protect your purity and wait until you guys are married. Save yourself and know your worth. Just because everybody is doing it or bragging about it doesn’t mean anything. I know there’s a lot of girls that wish they still had their purity simply because everything wasn’t what it seemed. If a man can’t wait on you kick his butt to the curb because God will send you the right one. Don’t listen to your friends or try to be grown like them. Never give in to peer pressure because at the end of the day you are only hurting yourself. If you are a virgin you better flaunt it and be happy J. There are so many cases of STDs out here and you better be glad you are not caught up in it. A lot of people say that oral is ok. Well don’t fool yourselves, anything sexual before marriage is defilement against your body. Pray to God that he keeps your mind sober because sex is everywhere I know and it can be so dreadful especially when you are trying. You know that the devil will definitely try to temp you…UGGGGH HE IS SO ANNOYING..I just wanted to give my little thought on how sex is not a bad thing but it is how we use it. When God tells us to wait it is because He knows that he is saving us from heartbreaks, diseases and demons etc. And he definitely doesn’t want us to defile ourselves .…This goes for men as well because I know that a lot of people uhh I’ll just say society likes to let men off the hook or define him as “macho” or “the man” if he sleeps with a lot of women. Both men and women need to learn how to control themselves. I know that a lot of guys get made fun of because they are virgins. Don’t let it get to you and don’t ever try to impress those jocks or those fast girls. Be the true man of God. They are only making fun of you because they don’t not know God and you know how strange we sound/act when we are new in Christ Jesus  or try to speak the gospel to the world simply because the world doesn’t know God. Masturbation is a sin as well. It may not be in the bible but if you look at the etymology for the word  it means “ to defile with hand” so didn’t God tell us to not defile ourselves and to be sober. I know a lot of people struggle with this as well but God can help you. And if you have lust/sex issues, being married won’t solve the problem unless you ask God to help you. Like Jesus said “ you can’t put a lamp under a bed” meaning you can’t put a lamp under a bed and not expect for it to burn.. Did you know the minuet you watch porn you get initiated into the demonic realm. Meaning when you watch porn its like signing a contract and this is why it is hard for some people to stop.. The demonic energy gets in us and controls us.It makes the demons happy that you are on there side now.. it is NEVER to late to seek God…((sn: And you are not a bad person if you are dealing with these things and definitely don’t be embarrassed)) .I really want to write more about this topic because sex is probably the BIGGEST thing that a lot of people deal with. I’ve seen a lot of women get hurt simply because they are going for the wrong guys 1 and 2 they just give themselves up to any guy that gives a little attention. Like your body is a temple of God not a community center. Learn how to respect it. And for the people that say “well its their body they can do whatever they want” well excuse me, I’m not talking to you so don’t come at me like that because I’m here trying to help all the children of God on knowing their worth when it comes to dating etc. Also ladies you don’t have to be half naked to feel beautiful . Like I don’t know who told you that. Only a perv would only want or like a woman if she is naked or barley wearing any clothes whether she is on the web or out somewhere. Men will not respect you at all if you conduct yourself like that but they will definitely lust after you. If the world wants to have all their goodies hanging out let them and dress modest cover it up (( sn: I’m not telling you to dress like a granny or anything lol...I mean if that is your style then so be it . James 1 verse 15: Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death….This verse is basically telling us that if we are living in lust/sex whatever it maybe it will bring death to us.))). And also stop trying to impress guys that don’t notice you. If he doesn’t like you welp someone else will. We may not be everyone’s type but that doesn’t mean there is something wrong with us.. Girl you beautiful and just know that J…….comment/vote/or idk ..thank you for reading May God Bless :*


p.s- so when I copy and paste my story on my w-pad it shows this mysterious letter “j” somewhere making these super annoying typos. Like guys please ignore it and I apologize if it confuses you lol…like uggggghh.



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