Thank You Jesus

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So to be honest when I think about you I feel so happy and perfect.

I feel like I don't have nothing to worry about.

I feel like I can run all the way to the top of a mountain and not get tired.

In your presence I forget about my struggles and heartaches.

I leave my angers, jealousies and selfish ways behind just to be one with you. I feel so accepted in your arms.

Oh Jesus how can someone think they just popped up on earth without no Creator. Are these people blind ? have they seen how nature works. How does a bee know to collect pollen from flowers to make honey? How does a bird know where to get its next meal? How many times I've crossed the rode and you stopped so many brakes for me to get across safely. Father you are so perfect your hands orchestrate everything. How can we desire the world more than you, after all you have done for us. Forgive me and thank you for still loving me.

Thank you for this warmth and this smile because these past years been really hard.

Thank you Jesus.

a/n: something I wrote during bible study...I should've been listening though lol don't tell. Thank you for reading *smoochies*

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