You're Cute But Not Cute Enough

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So my friend was listening to this song on our way to bible study. It's by Canton Jones called "Cute". Please feel free to check it out. When I first heard it I started laughing *like how mature of me lol* but yea it's about how this young man finds this woman really attractive because she had a great personality and was intelligent etc. So after dinner he took her home & she invited him in. so I guess she wanted to sleep with him and he said "you're cute but not cute enough...for my salvation" lol I was like ooohh he told her. But that song is such a good example on how we need to keep our purity. And there's a part of the song where she asks him if he is gay because he denied her. And I thought that was beyond rude. For the guys out there that have standards and not out here chasing every skirt God will bless you with a good wife just wait on it. I really like guys that are to themselves and that are focused on God because they are the truly ones that can help you in your salvation. Like I said before if any guy says he loves God and tries to do anything sexually with you kick his butt to the curb. Idec if he knows the bible and verses by heart or attends church from 6am to 6pm dump him. For my girls you have a beautiful thing and keep it. Don't let nobody manipulate you or try to make you compromise. I regretted my first time because I didn't know what God wanted or what He said about sex. But now I am happy I'm getting a second chance. Even though it was one person it bothered me for a long time. I don't want to blame nothing on my friends but they were dating way before me. So they would say things like "you need to lose it because we did". I was 17 and naïve so I'm like "yea you are right". * this is why I always tell you guys to keep good friends around that will be a good guidance for you & will give you good advice*. And when it happened, it wasn't like the movies or like the songs made it to be. After that experience I just shut down & didn't date anyone. The guy I was with was not a good man for me also. So after from that experience I made a vow to keep myself until marriage. So then I started to talk to a couple guys here & there & they wanted sex so I definitely stopped talking to them because I remembered the vow I made. I also realized that I don't need any man to stay with me because of sex. This is what the world has planted into our minds. Now that I am 22 years old I got wiser when it comes to sex on how it's such a powerful thing. & shouldn't be shared with no one other than your HUSBAND not the boyfriend you been with for 5 plus years. I said HUSBAND. I just want to thank God I am not out here sleeping with 2, 3 or 10 plus men. I know there are things that our past boyfriends have done to us to make us give up hope or to act "promiscuous" not caring about our self or body. But I'm here to tell you that don't ever let any man take away your love for yourself or dignity after any breakup. And I'm not better than those who do it. I'm here to say that waiting is worth it & respecting your self is worth it as well. And you are no longer responsible for your past & it doesn't define you. Strive for a man or woman that is willing to wait with you & can help each other grow together in God. So the next time a guy wants to sleep with you even though you really like him "tell him you are cute  ...but not cute enough for my salvation". I want all my girls in Christ to be modest and respectable so when the world sees us they will know that we are different and no longer like them. I've notice that the women that do give themselves away freely are always in different relationships or always heart broken and that is something I would never wish for any woman to go through. That one night is not worth damaging you emotionally, physically and spiritually or worth going to hell.

A lot people think that "well if I get married maybe I will then control my high sex drive". That is such a big lie. If you don't know how to control yourself while you are still single it will be hard for you in marriage. Imagine if your wife or husband go away on a long business trip & you are lonely. All you do is lust and can't control your desires. Don't you think the devil will send somebody your way to cause you to fall? And when it's over you will regret it....I hope you guys see where I am coming from.

Sn: I love how at the almost ending of the song he told her "when it comes to Jesus, she doesn't compare" loll he deff told her.

Hhaha My God Is Better Than YoursDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora